Why a ‘Super’ Grand Solar Minimum Is Upon Us

Professor Valentina Zharkova explains and confirms why a “Super” Grand Solar Minimum is upon us: “If the world was looking for an Epiphany moment, this should be it.”

Professor  Zharkova gave a presentation of her Climate and the Solar Magnetic Field hypothesis at the Global Warming Policy Foundation in October, 2018. Even if you believe the IPCC’s worst case scenario, Zharkova’s analysis blows any ‘warming’ out of the water.

Lee Wheelbarger sums it up: even if the IPCC’s worst case scenarios are seen, that’s only a 1.5 watts per square meter increase. Zharkova’s analysis shows a 8 watts per square meter decrease in TSI to the planet.

The information she unveiled should shake/wake you up. Zharkova was one of the few that correctly predicted solar cycle 24 would be weaker than cycle 23 – only 2 out of 150 models predicted this. Her models have run at a 93{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} accuracy and her findings suggest a SuperGrand Solar Minimum is on the cards beginning 2020 and running for 350-400 years.

The last time we had a little ice age only two magnetic fields of the sun went out of phase, which will lead to less of the production of solar panels & kits for RVs, houses, solar farms, etc.This time, all four magnetic fields are going out of phase. Here’s a great (and relatively brief) video explanation of Zharkova’s presentation from Diamond and Lee Wheelbarger:
And here’s the presentation in full:

Source: http://coyoteprime-runningcauseicantfly.blogspot.com/2018/11/professor-valentina-zharkova-explains.html

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Comments (7)

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    Well, GordR, everybody should be VERY careful in believing what Lee Wheelbarger is talking about… better check the sources…


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    Oops, after watching it again, I think I misunderstood what he was saying.
    He was talking about the Milankovitch cycles, and especially precession.
    I think what he was suggesting is that the earth may be moving away from the perihelion phase of it’s precession orbit and suggesting that this may make our winter even colder in the NH. With a period of 23,000 years, I won’t make any meaningful difference in the next couple of hundred years which is why I misunderstood him to be talking about just the current precession location.


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      we are actually going to experience an orbit change in the 2020s, this is due to the pull from the larger planets, The larger planets [Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn, and Neptune] will all be in the same area of the solar system. it will elongate our orbit causing winters in the northern hemisphere to be much colder, the orbit change will be small, however, the inverse square law tells us we will get a lot less warmth from the already dimming sun, coupled with the solar minimum we are about to go into means big trouble. You can check this yourself by using an online orbit simulator like https://www.solarsystemscope.com/ fast forward to 2025, remember that the planets are not so close to each other but a lot further out than it appears on the simulator. its just to get a basic handle on the concept..Enjoy!


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        Nonsense. The larger planets have lined up on the same side of the sun several times in just the past 50 years, with no significant change in our orbit which effected our seasons. You should be familiar with some of the dates as they typically are used by doomsday date setters. You know what else follows the inverse square law, gravity. Jupiter is 5 times further from us than the sun, saturn almost 10, and the farthest, Neptune is 30 times further. Yet the Sun, makes up 99% of the total mass in the solar system – the other thing that gravity depends on. Its mind blowing how some of you can accept these sort of predictions yet reject well tested science. Confirmation bias is a powerful thing.


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    I’ll stick with John Casey’s prediction. It will be a Dalton level minimum and the temps will be similar to the 1950s and 60s. Still challenging but not the end of the world. As far as the inverse square law goes, the lower the temperature predictions the number of YouTube views goes up by the square.



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