The Truth About Electric Cars Biggest Problem

From a scientific standpoint, the largest challenge facing today’s electric cars is the energy density of batteries used. The batteries are both massive and heavy, and as a result have significant impacts on electric transportation feasibility depending on the scenario.

This video analyzes today’s batteries energy density, as well as the efficiency differences associated between gasoline vehicles and electric vehicles. Even when accounting for efficiency, the gap between electric and gasoline energy densities is quite large.

To further illustrate this point, we’ll assess the feasibility of an electric powered semi-truck, and the weight of the battery required in order for the vehicle to have a range of 500 miles. The results will SHOCK you. Maybe not; that’s just a bad joke.

But you might learn something! Have a watch.

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Comments (8)

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    Andy Rowlands


    Good explanation of the problems with electric vehicles.


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    As I have said a million times .. it’s all about energy density. Electricity by itself is extremely poor in this regard. It is difficult to store, it is difficult to transport. Electricity, by itself is just plain difficult to deal with. There is a reason why the combustion engine won this battle about 100 years ago. It wins this battle today and it will continue to win this battle into the future.


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      Andy Rowlands


      Yes I agree Mr Squid 🙂


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      Zoe Phin


      But by socialist logic success is evil. That’s why we need to replace success.


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    The big problem is storage who knew,this is the problem with renewables and cars the basic lead acid battery from over a hundred years ago has still only been slightly improved upon. Governments should quit promoting this nonsense with subsidies until a technology is developed to store electricity efficiently. I don’t think the current lithium batteries in cars is the answer as they are going to become a recycling nightmare in a couple of decades.


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      Andy Rowlands


      Definatetely agree Barry.


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      Trouble with Lithium batteries is they need to remain cool. No under car bonnet use, no central Australian outdoor use..temps top 45 mins C . Will need to be in air conditioning. Sort of cuts more out of efficiency don’t it.


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