The Aussie Wildfires Are About Arsonists – Not Climate Change

australia wildfire resort

Climate change opportunists are using the Australian wildfire arsons to push their political aspirations.

In true extremist fashion, they are applying the motto once said by former Chicago Democratic Mayor Rahm Emmanuel: “Never let a crisis go to waste.”

In the last couple of months, as many as 200 wildfires have destroyed Australia all over the continent.

Due to the number of fires and location, law enforcement determined that the blazes were intentionally set, and 183 arsonists have been arrested for the crime so far.

These activists tends to ignore the truth and push lies that work for their political agenda – this time, it was climate change. They blame humans, specifically those who do not believe in the political ideology of human-made climate change.

They push the narrative that we, as humans are not doing enough to stop the earth from heating up. Climate deniers are blamed.

There is one problem: arsonists set the fires. People driving cars, flying in airplanes, and overeating red meat have nothing to do with the flames. Nefarious individuals are the ones who caused the blazes.

The alarmists seized this opportunity to blame intentionally set fires by protesting over them, then lying about their genesis, which is disingenuous at best. To lie about what started these fires is a clue to those who are unsure or skeptical that they do not have any substantial evidence.

The alarmists’  “consensus of scientists” are usually funded by the government. The researcher’s livelihood depends on politicians supporting the portion of the federal budget that guarantees a paycheck. The source of funding leads to the manipulation of data.

If alarmists had defensible, trustworthy information, they would not need to make up the scenario that over 200 fires popped up on the continent of Australia due to climate change.

It is quite humorous that no other wildfires to this intensity and number have randomly sparked anywhere else in the southern hemisphere during its summer months.

Alarmists do not operate in authenticity. They often lie either through intentional mistruth or omission. Deception, as a tactic, became apparent when they began pushing the narrative of cow flatulence, causing global warming and the need for fewer cattle. The idea that cows are emitting too much gas is laughable.

They are comfortable with lies to push their agenda for one reason: the Left comprises of moral criminals.

Yes, committing crimes and making fellow humans’ victims is immoral; however, their positioning is not criminal in the legal sense, but morally.

In an ideology that is void of God and places humans in the Creator’s place, there is only chaos. Man is innately bad. Yet, alarmists look toward other humans for answers – typically politicians or social media influencers – for direction.

Due to the internal drive to do wrong before good, it only makes sense that they use lies, hatred, and riots to get what they desire. In green ideology, those who disagree must be “canceled” or ridiculed to obscurity.

Nothing good comes from this. It ruins everything that it touches. If there is any actual human-made climate change, it is hard to believe the disciples.

They are heartless. They are a selfish, ideology-driven group that is using destruction, fear, and upending to promote the push for changes to “combat” climate change.

Alarmists claim they are more concerned with the environment than the rest of us; however, they are not protesting against the criminals who started these destructive fires that have killed animals and destroyed natural habitats.

Instead, they claim it is the climate deniers’ fault.

Climate Change is about growing governmental control and making political opponents pay for not going along with the narrative.

They are irresponsible. They are opportunists looking for something to exploit for their political goals.

These fires were set by criminals who have no due regard for the animals who naturally live in the habitat or the homes and other property their fellow citizens have lost.

These blazes are not the result of human-made climate change. They are the product of arsonists, not spontaneously bursting fires as the media doomsayers imply.

Read more at Townhall

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    Ronald Kessler


    Love to be able to Share easily on Quara. Can that be added to Twitter Readit etc?


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      John O'Sullivan


      Hi Ronald, Below the article are a range of links where the post may be shared, including Twitter, Facebook and Reddit. To post on Quora best to copy and paste there. Thanks


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    IIRC there was some conjecture that a lot of the Amazon fires were set by activists paid by some well known entertainment stars to promote their none scientific agenda.


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    Hello, I am thankful for this website and the information posted. In this article, where it is stated “188 arsonists have been arrested”, this is a fudged statistic and most of the arrests for arson have not been related to the bush fires. Anywhere from 24-57 people have been arrested during this fire season for deliberately lighting fires or disregarding current total fire bans. These are the numbers I have been able to find.


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    Michael Mazur


    Like everyone, earlier this month I watched the ghastly reportage on 2, 7, 9, sbs, on several successive days and decided that all the tv stations are enablers of this arson for it was as if they’d all been handed a script of what not to utter; the possibility of arsonists roaming Australia’s forests.
    All they rigidly talked about was the fires themselves, then showing the smoking ruins of rural properties, then speaking with distraught survivors, but not a word about the fact the perfect conditions for a fire to start is not the same as spontaneous combustion, for a flaring matchhead, or flame from a cigarette lighter, is still required.


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    Krissy Holmes


    I live on the South Coast near where the Currowan Fire was lit, yes lit, I checked the historical lightning data 72 hours prior and 72 hours after the fire was started, there was not one strike on the entire continent.
    We went for a drive through the Currowan state forest last year back in late April, what I seen was enough for me to constantly phone the shoalhaven council demanding they clear as much as they could, land management does not just include back burning. My demands fell on deaf ears. On the 10/11 I sent an email to the state government, I even titled it “catastrophic conditions” and wrote in terms they could understand, this too was ignored.
    These fires were not “climate change” god, how ridiculous does that sound? Seriously, no one denies the climate changes, it’s AGW that is in question! AGW that simply does not exist! The UN IPCC has been omitting the sun from climate models as a driving factor of heat, they input the earth as flat into the models and in 1983 by using engineering physics in climate models is how that ghastly hockey stick was born. This entire thing is a fraud and a farce!
    Every politician from every political party and every single activist since then who wanted the parks locked up to save a bat in a log or an endangered orchid, that is now extinct, is to blame for these fires, it wasn’t climate change or smokers, it was bad policy and bad political activists and may they all rot in hell for what they have done and their future intentions to destroy life on this planet! I have honestly never seen so many people protest in favour of genocide! Anyone with half a brain cell knows CO2 is life, without it we die, the planet dies.
    When will this fraud be stopped?! It must not be allowed to continue! Reach out to scientists within the earth sciences that you know, get them to throw their hat in the ring to testify at the royal commission into the bush fires, its time this fraud was stamped out once and for all!


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        Krissy Holmes


        Thanks Zoe! I just had a quick breeze over, I’m still on my first coffee for the morning, the precip has really caught my attention, the rain event happening now on the eastern seaboard I seen and reported to BOM 4 days before they decided to call it, I guess they’re not as confident in their work as I am in mine, other events they were given long range warning of included the 2011 Brisbane floods that happened in January (they were warned in October 2010) I had the displeasure of being in, cyclone Yasi a week out and the Bundaberg floods in which I took my findings to sky weather, I got crucified on Twitter when I predicted a meter of rain lol, that was until Sky’s chief meteorologist took another look and found the same, I was able to warn friends in the area who in turn warned their friends and most of them were able to get their belongings out before the water came. I’m not a scientist, being from a low socioeconomic family, going to Uni was just not an option, however that did not stop me from educating myself. I’ve sent your blog links to my desktop, thank you! I do appreciate the work and more brain food as I call it 🙂


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          Zoe Phin


          I’m not a scientist either.

          I was a financial analyst on wall street (the actual physical street). Made $84.5 million for ~1200 clients – all working class, minus 4.

          If i didn’t get a free scholarship I probably wouldn’t have went to uni.
          Thank goodness I inherited my father’s math skills.

          Self education is the best.
          Thank you, Krissy


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    Geoffrey Whitlock


    According to the NSW Rural Fire Service, lightning was predominantly responsible for the bushfire crisis.
    RFS Inspector Ben Shepherd said that the majority of the larger fires coming out of remote areas were the result of dry lightning storms.
    Arsonists don’t go into the heart of forests or bushland to light their fires; their handiwork happens mostly on the outer fringes of the areas where the worst fires take place. The majority of suspected arson relates to small grass fires and rubbish bins set alight, which inflict negligible damage, compared with fires sparked by lightning.
    Only about one percent of the land burnt in NSW this bushfire season can be officially attributed to arson.
    In Victoria, about 0.03 percent were attributed to suspicious circumstances.
    Tasmania, a different story – the only state where arson has been the overwhelming cause.
    Personally, I trust the judgement of the fire experts – those who put their lives on the line to fight the fires – to say how the majority of fires actually started.
    It’s incredible that so little mention gets made of the appalling mismanagement of the current federal government – easily the most reckless, incompetent, self-serving, irresponsible government this country has ever suffered. Funding cut to the states, who in turn had no funds for fire preparedness. The NSW government asked for help from the army early on because they didn’t have the equipment they wanted. The feds refused; the feds refused help from overseas until it got so out of hand they had to do something.
    Right-wing nuts have tried to blame the Green party, which is about as ridiculous as political propaganda gets. Perhaps they assumed that people are too stupid or lazy to actually check what the greens policies on fire management actually are. The Greens manifesto is easily found on the web.
    Forget climate change; forget arson; forget the Greens — the real problem here is the rogue federal government; if they had done the right thing from the start, things might not have turned out so serious.


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