NASA Posts Climate Alarmist Graph On Facebook

On NASA’s Climate Change Facebook pageNASA has a video post (July 25, 2019) related to global temperatures since 1880.

NASA writes: “Focusing on any short-term global temperature trend can be misleading. Here’s why it’s important to look at the big picture.”

Apparently, too many people are being fooled into thinking the planet was not overheating because of the effects of the El Nino event. NASA writes, “There was a brief temperature decline after 2016…reflecting the very strong El Nino event in progress.”

The key to the NASA post is an animated graph, which makes the point the Earth is headed into a heated future (see video). It’s not.

As you can see from the graph, drops in temperature (as shown by blue boxes) are the result of an El Nino. Therefore, no one should take comfort that Earth is getting cooler.

I replied to NASA’s post that measuring global temperatures is notoriously inaccurate.

Given that, they still show the ‘global temperature’ has been amazingly stable for over 100 years. Dr. Ivar Giaever, who shared the Nobel Prize in Physics, wrote clearly:

“The claim (how can you measure the average temperature of the whole earth for a whole year?) is that the temperature has changed from ~288.0 to ~288.8 degrees Kelvin in about 150 years, which (if true) means to me is that the temperature has been amazingly stable, and both human health and happiness have definitely improved in this ‘warming’ period.’”

Dr. Giaever also points out in his work that the warming period we are in since the Little Ice Age (1300–1850) has had stable temperatures with only a 0.8 degree Kelvin increase in 150 years (the period he considered when he wrote this).

Most temperature graphs show only a small range of temperatures to exaggerate the change, just like NASA’s does. It’s deceptive and made to stoke fear among the populace.

Here’s a graph showing just how stable our temperature has been, especially when the change is shown over the existing average temperature of the Earth, which is around 58°F (~288.0 degrees Kelvin).

The final victory will be returning the field of climatology back into the realm of actual science.

CCD Editor Thomas Richard contributed to this post.

Dr. Joel Glass is an engineer working in the field of infrastructure for ultra-cold climate environments. His new book, ICE AGE …2025: HOW TO PREPARE AMERICA AND YOUR FAMILY FOR THE COMING ICE AGE, is available and recommended by scientist and renowned author Dr. Jay Lehr.


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    A 288 to 288,8 K change in temperature corresponds to a mere 0,28 % increase.


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