Last Waltz Across Texas

Approximately 12,000 years ago, a massive meteor slammed into the three mile thick Canadian ice shield, ending a 100,000 year ice age, and causing the last great extinction, the Holocene Extinction.  This event covered the northern hemisphere with a coating of nano-diamonds and resulted in the extinction of all large mammals in the northern hemisphere.

In 1901, the Beresovka expedition discovered, fully intact, flash frozen mammoths, later Carbon dated to 39,000 YBP.  In 1908, an atmospheric meteor explosion flattened 880 square miles in Siberia. This estimated 15 megaton, air blast explosion left no crater, but did register as a 5.0 Richter seismic event.  An expedition to this site found additional, flash frozen mammoths, Carbon dated to 12,000 YBP with additional clues.

These 13 foot tall mammoths had undigested, un-decayed, temperate zone, dandelions in their digestive tracts, broken backbones and broken femurs.  They were frozen standing up, indicating impact with five feet deep mass of bowling ball sized hail, freezing them in an instant.

A popular theme among the self-loathing luddites in academia and the social justice movement is anthropogenic causes for all evil.  Government graft-grants to anthro-apologists, create the narrative that our blood thirsty, hunter gather ancestors caused this extinction.

There are 20,000 YBP flint arrowheads of European origin at many locations in America, indicating settlement prior to the Bering Strait migration of the claimed native tribes.  Visit to the La Brea tar pit museum in Los Angles, where there are displays of the mammoths, the 900 pound saber tooth tiger, the 400 pound dire wolf and other mammals, far beyond limits of a flint tipped arrow from a caveman.

Based on the tens of thousands of tons of ivory tusks removed from this region, it is estimated that over 50,000 mammoths were killed in this one event, not to mention a few woolly rhinos.

For thousands of years, humans have been ruled over by self proclaimed divine right rulers and their learned priest class.  The only break in this feudal pattern was the American Revolution, which the feudalists are now attempting to reverse. Despite Fabian economist claims, there is NO difference between communism, fascism, nazism, progressivism, or socialism, they are all REBRANDED FEUDALISM.  There are only two forms of social order: either you have Free Speech, Property Rights and rule by informed consent, or you DO NOT.

The corrected version of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are: Disease, Famine, Pestilence and War.  Our divine rulers have control over these death vectors and have used them all for centuries.  Two documentaries that cover this subject are “All Wars Are Bankers Wars” by Michael Rivero and “The World War One Conspiracy” by James Corbett.

For those who believe your SJW, BLM or antifa allegiance offers some glorious future, reflect on the past history of the collective movement. Since Disease is the main topic of this article, we will save it for last.

Famine was practiced by the Romans, seeding the fields of Carthage to create a barren wasteland.  Always a reluctant colony, when the Irish potato famine struck in 1846, the British landed 100,000 troops, removed all grains, all sheep, all cattle and all chickens.  An estimated million Irish starved to death, another million immigrated to America.  Famine eliminated 22,000 Afrikan POWs after the Boer War.

The Iranians, who followed Lawrence of Arabia to victory over Turkey during WW One, expected their freedom as promised.  Demonstrations in 1919 resulted in brutal crack-down and a famine for over a million Iranians.  While Indian Commonwealth soldiers fought in WW Two, the British withheld food shipments, starving millions.

Pestilence was formerly beyond divine feudal control. While you might pray for a locust invasion, or for the fleas of a thousand camels to rest in your enemy’s beard, they were powerless to use this force.  Modern science and manufacturing have allowed the use of GMO crops, spraying of chem-trails, and coating the planet with radioactive isotopes from nuclear weapons. Between Trinity in 1945 and Operation Plowshare in 1962, the US conducted over 2,500 above ground nuclear tests. For proof of this pestilence, see Johnson Island and Bikini Island documentaries.

War has been the easiest death vector to stage.  First, find a local grievance, then sell bonds to equally equip both sides, giving each the illusion of certain victory. Unleash the war hounds and plunder the loser. Both sides with be populated with crippled veterans, widows and orphans, which will make monarch overthrow impossible for a generation, at which point, you simply repeat.  To the progressives who have no knowledge of collective reality, a refresher on previous, toxic collective utopias.

After seizing power in 1917, Lenin had a purge of a million White Russians, and all of his Bolshevik leadership, except for Stalin and Molotov by 1924. Stalin had his own Great Purge between 1936 and 1938, killing 30 million. During and after WW Two, Stalin purged millions of counter-revolutionaries in Eastern Europe.  The Mao, Long March from 1931 to 1935 murdered millions. The Mao, Great Leap Forward, from 1958 to 1962 killed 30 million. Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1976 killed over 20 million.

From 1789 until 1947 the US had a properly named WAR DEPARTMENT.  Following victory over the entire planet, a kinder, gentler, euphemism was adopted, the Department of Defense.  As George Carlin asked, why do we have a Department of Defense, with an OFFENSIVE capability?

While nuclear weapons are great for vaporizing entire countries, the residual radiation limits this as a form of extinction event, without threatening the divine feudalists, their devoted priests and their herds of subjects.  The captured bio-weapons labs of Germany and Japan offered a more controllable extinction vector.

Disease is also an unpredictable death vector.  Pathogens are constantly evolving and all living organisms have elaborate immune systems, perfected over billions of years of evolution.  Few biological agents are toxic individually, most require nutritional deficiency, or other chemical cofactors to be fatal.  I’m not going to repeat my previous research on viral pandemics, for that see

Pandemics Are Personal” and “Remember the A La Mode Review

These articles explain some of the history of pandemics and proven cures like HCQ.  Following the A La Mode rally on May 9, there was another May 23, Oath Keepers rally in Austin. The capital grounds are now locked at all street entrances, so there have been no further events.  Soy boy cutouts run the Silicon Valley social media sites and have conducted a digital book burning of all heretics of the WuFlu hysteria cult.

Dr Andrew Kaufman, MD and Dr Zach Bush, MD both have advanced degrees in Microbiology and both agree that the human micro-biome depends on bacteria and viruses, see their videos.  With a estimated billion species, which are constantly evolving, it is impossible to culture a vaccine.

Wendall Stanley first identified a virus, using an electron miscrope in 1931 and was awarded the 1946 Nobel Prize for this discovery.  Any claimed virus vaccine, produced before this date had no quantitative, or qualitative control over the virus content.  The retrovirus repercussions of this voodoo are explained in “The Plague” and “The Plague of Corruption” by Dr Judy Mikovits.  Dozens of her interviews have been purged from FewTube, but are available on other formats.

Texas has been under an illegal lockdown since March 19, with two weeks of 50{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} occupancy and one week of 75{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} occupancy that ended on June 22. The governor, first allowed counties to force unisex burkas, then ordered them state wide, consider

1 millimeter = 1000 micrometers = 1,000,000 nanometers

A N95 mask filters 0.3 micrometers and a Coronavirus is 20 nanometers. A face mask is both useless and dangerous for health, but an excellent gauge of serf compliance.

Dr Ron Paul, MD, US Army Captain (and Vietnam MASH surgeon) and twelve term US Congressman made this disclosure “Why Texas Governor Abbott ‘Face Mask’ Order is not What it Seems” at the Ron Paul Institute.  In mid May, under CDC orders, the state health department switched from rapidly declining death count metric, to rapidly rising NEW case counts, base on PCR test with 90{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} false positives. Kary B Mullis, the 1993 Nobel Prize winner for his invention of the polymerase chain reaction test, said it cannot identify the monoclonal antibodies to verify novel SARS-COV2.

Minnesota Senator, Dr Scott Jensen, MD who publically question forced revisions to increase CV death count is having his license reviewed.  Dr Ivette Lozano, MD who spoke at the Dallas rally is having her Texas license reviewed.  Orthodoxy cannot be questioned by qualified physicians. The new normal is ABNORMAL.

Emergency Executive Orders in Texas are limited to 30 days, unless extended by the Legislature.  Here are the Texas Pandemic Puppets, their lack of science education and their necessary immediate action. Six states had no lockdown. We do not consent.

  • Governor Abbott > business administration, JD > if you cannot rescind your illegal orders, RESIGN
  • Lt Gov Patrick > English degree > if you cannot call a special session to revoke this illegal order, RESIGN
  • AG Paxton > psychology degree, JD > if you cannot file a supreme court injunction for this illegal order, RESIGN
  • H&HS Senate Chair Kolkhorst > public relations > if you cannot call hearings over all this illegal activity, RESIGN

To make matters worse, Abbott appointees approved a no bid contract for $295 million for contract tracing to MTX, a startup with no experience, and a Google front company.

We do not need fascist lockdowns, medieval social distancing, Gestapo contact tracing or mandatory voodoo vaccination.  What we need is Truth about the full spectrum dominance by the feudalist, using bioterrorism and programmed social rage. We have discussed the WuFlu bioweapon and fake data driven hysteria, the other threat vector is cultural warfare.

Rage against American slavery, from over one hundred and fifty years ago, ignores the reality that until Pennsylvania banned slavery in 1780, it was practiced by every culture, including every North, Central and South American tribe. Today there are over 40 million slaves in Africa, in the middle and far east.

Society exists to provide basic needs, as well as spiritual enrichment.  We can be inspired by great architecture, art, music and dance, but all of these are temporal realities.  We watched in horror as the 1350 foot Twin Towers were vaporized in 14 seconds, the official jet fuel narrative is fiction.  In 2019, the 800 year old, virgin timber framed roof of the Notre Dame cathedral went up in flames with the aid of accelerants and delayed emergency response.

Now, for the music and dance segment inferred in the title, as Europe entered the Renaissance, the church organ was supplanted by strings, flutes and drums in royal courts.  Rumors exist of men and women violating social distancing doing the Czech polka in the fourteenth century, but documented couple dancing started with the minuet around 1650. By 1580, Volta was the risqué rage, followed by the Tyrol in the late 1700s. Waltz was dominate in Europe by 1800, and is still popular today.

Cuba claims that Spanish gypsies invented Tango in the early 1800s, however the popularization was due to mid eighteenth century Argentina.  Tango was introduced to Paris in 1912 and to the US in 1913, where it was promptly banned in Boston and Charleston.  Foxtrot was introduced in 1914, along with loose styles of swing and hop to meet the music. The Roaring Twenties lead to the flapper girls and the Charleston dance was a rejection of the puritanical Tango ban.

When Charles Lindberg soloed the Atlantic, a popular swing song caused some foot work changes and the new Lindy Hop in 1927.  The East Coast Swing, also known as Jitter bug, started during the depression and was the tops until VE and VJ days.  As blues and rock music changed, the West Coast Swing dominated the post war dance scene.  About the same time country western music changed Foxtrot footwork to circular, progressive dancing for the Two Step.

There are a host of Latin dances, but this history covers the dance steps in today’s Texas dance halls, places that are rapidly becoming yesterdays memories. Ernest Tubbs recorded “Waltz Across Texas” in 1965, we may be witnessing the last waltz in the Texas dance hall extinction event.

Texans have sat passively by while nonsensical, and illegal executive orders have destroyed our businesses and our social life.  Some things might not effect you personally, like major sporting events, concerts, senior proms, high school graduation, little league, or fine restaurant dining.  If you feel you are sacrificing for the greater good, you are delusional.

This pandemic was planned far in advance, the viral threat is exaggerated, the “cure” will be far worse than the disease.  Unplug your video game box and Netflix, begin studying the Truth about this plan-demic and social justice riots.

Recommended: by Dr Judy Mikovits, PhD Virology

Is This Torture” by Amazing Polly

“When You Weren’t Looking” by Really Graceful

NASA 2025 Future Wars is Here Already” by Truth Stream Media

About the author: Joseph A Olson, PE: Co-founder of Principia Scientific Intl. and co-author of the ‘Slaying the Sky Dragon – Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory’ the world’s first full-volume debunk of the greenhouse gas theory. Retired Texan engineer and impassioned science writer, Joe Olson PE is a respected innovative thinker with over 100 major civil engineering and climate-related articles to his name. Olson is famed as a staunch advocate of the traditional English scientific method and combines a wealth of hard-edged industry experience with an insightful and deft writer’s touch to convey complex scientific concepts in a unique literary style.

PRINCIPIA SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL, legally registered in the UK as a company incorporated for charitable purposes. Head Office: 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX. 

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Comments (5)

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    Joseph Olson


    UL approved fire testing on Timber framed and composite “gluelam” structures are naturally fire resistant. Thick wood structural members form a 1/4 inch charred crust that insulates and suffocates the fire. Tests performed by the American Wood Council were used as the basis of National Fire Protection Association and the International Code Council on this type of construction.
    Not only was Notre Dame arson, the entire roof could have been reconstructed in two months, with identical Timber Framing using modern CNC milling.

    “Our Timber Framing CNC” at > TimberFraming1(.)com


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    Lots of info here, well organized.

    The most optimistic outlook would be that the sheep finally learn from this “scamdemic”. Possibly even to the point of throwing out many politicians and developing a new interest in freedom.


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    Easy york and safe home started you join to    CLICK  here//Www……… money


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    Steve Lawrance


    An extremely angry article (with justification), but seen as such will be dismissed by general readers. Having lived myself through the majority of my life with deep fury and anger at what is happening I thoroughly sympathise : but would ask as a trained scientist – please slow down, consult (poor old) Karl Popper again and apply him thoroughly, and scientifically present the rationales by which you reached all your conclusions / apparent assertions – if even only by reference notes. Otherwise you are doing a big favour to the current enemies of truth by writing what they are able to dismiss as not rigorous and deride as a rant, “extremist” and “typically right wing” and : – Needing to be taken with a Pinch of Salt.
    Your article is a mine of information and insight, all of which I need to go and check.
    Best wishes, Steve lawrance


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