Jordan Peterson Explains His Year-long Mystery Disappearance

A shadow of his former self Jordan Peterson re-appears after a year out of the spotlight to speak frankly on camera with this daughter, Makhaila about his life or death battle with Benzodiazepine addiction.

In just a few short days this video has already amazed over one million views on Youtube.  It is fascinating interview – a sentient warning of Big Pharma’s psychopathic mission to turn us all into consumers of their mind-altering poisons.

Who is Peterson:

Jordan Bernt Peterson is a Canadian clinical psychologist and a professor of psychology at the University of Toronto. He began to receive widespread attention in the late 2010s for his outspoken views on cultural and political issues.

Notable for his no-nonsense approach to the woke culture and regarded as an antidote to creeping societal normalization of Political Correctness, Peterson grew from a cult-like defender of traditional values into a global phenomenon.

Introducing the video, daughter Makhaila, writes:

Welcome to the Mikhaila Peterson Podcast, episode 9. This is a brief podcast with my dad Jordan Peterson about what happened to him and my family in the last year.

The following are links that may help elucidate some of the topics we discussed in this episode: Paradoxical reaction to benzodiazepines – a condition dad was diagnosed with… – Akathisia – something dad really really really suffered from – – “Many medical professionals don’t recognize akathisia or that it’s a drug-induced state. Instead, they write off the symptoms as a “worsening of mental illness” or other condition. Sometimes they even raise the dose of the offending drug and when the patient’s condition worsens as a result, they may prescribe more medication which can sometimes further exacerbate the problem or that fail to offer relief. If the medical professionals you encounter are ignorant about akathisia or attempt to blame it on “something else”, present them with medical information on the condition or search until you find a knowledgeable physician.” – Catatonia and benzo withdrawal – – Suicidality and benzodiazepines –… – “The majority of studies identified in this review report a positive correlation between prescribed benzodiazepines and attempted or completed suicide.”… – Dependence vs. Addiction –… – Benzodiazepine use and dementia risk –… – Benzo prescription rates: “More than one in eight U.S. adults (12.6 percent) used benzodiazepines in the past year”… – Examples of severe benzo withdrawal from prescribed benzos:……… – A particularly heartbreaking experience… – Celebrity deaths involving benzos: Anna Nicole Smith, Whitney Houston, –… Heath Ledger –… Michael Jackson –… Philip Seymour Hoffman –… Amy Winehouse –… Tom Petty –… – Benzos and early death: The study’s results state the statistically significant chances of early death double with the prescription of a benzodiazepine.… – Overdose risk of benzos with opioids: “Yet over 30 percent of opioid-related overdoses also include benzodiazepines. One study published this year showed that using benzos with opioids increases overdose risk five-fold compared with using opioids only.”…… – Warnings for benzodiazepine usage: “If benzodiazepines are needed daily, people shouldn’t take them for longer than two to four weeks. If used long term, then it’s best only to take them two to three times a week.”… – The Ashton Protocol – how some people get off of benzos – not something Dad could tolerate given his paradoxical reaction and akathisia – Collecting duct carcinoma – the cancer mom miraculously recovered from –… – Sodium metabisulfite allergy symptoms – the original cause of the benzodiazepine prescription –… – Other links about benzos:……

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Comments (4)

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    J Cuttance


    It’s interesting that such a bright person could fall into this trap. Clearly, these drugs are over-prescribed and their drawbacks are understated.


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      I am truly in awe when I listen to Peterson; what a bright guy !
      Viewing his channel and watching him explain complex situations exposing a kind of erudition that I have seldom, actually, never seen before, makes me happy.
      Apparently, great minds can get burnouts.
      Look at his travel schedule and the intensity of his speeches combined with all the relentless attacks on him by (mostly) women interviewers or commentators.
      I am amazed that he was able to keep up his willingness to engage while keeping a good spirit.
      At least he appeared to be in good spirit most of the times.

      I believe he suffered from a major burnout, went for help and got it.
      Why should he be thinking that help would be a trap?

      I hope he gets better soon and I wish him all the best.


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      M W


      I really do sympathise with Dr. Peterson and his family / significant others. Awful: I wish them well.

      However — ( there’s always an however when punching at a phone with no time to compose)

      I consider this pod failed to specifically refer to clonazepam enough – not an appropriate chemical for such an erudite speaker, and Jordan’s attempts at social-engineering at that time were concerning.
      I wish Peterson well and only hope the narrative adjusts accordingly.


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        Peterson has been pushing back against social engineering.


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