Fresh Proof Nature, Not Humans, Drives CO2 Levels

Statistical analysis of official data from the Mauna Loa Observatory of atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) reveals Nature, not humans determines the concentration of this trace gas.

Variances in atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide are shown to be well correlated with changes in the seasons, phases of the moon and El Niño events rather than human industrial activity.

No studies by climatologists endorsed by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) address these factors.

Figure 1 shows the atmospheric CO2 concentration measured weekly at the Mauna Loa Observatory (see Ref.1) for the period 29 March 1958 to 30 May 2020. The Observatory is at Latitude 19.54° North, Longitude 155.57° West, Elevation 3397 metres. It is on the northern slope of Mauna Loa, an active volcano on the island of Hawaii in the mid-North Pacific Ocean.

The series shows a regular seasonal variation superimposed on an upward trend. The linear trend for the whole period of 62 years was 1.58 ppm per annum. For the 3-year period March 29, 1958 to 1961, the rate was 0.55 ppm pa.

For the 3-year period May 2017 to 2020, the rate had steadily increased to 2.91 ppm pa, more than five times greater than 60 years earlier. The acceleration in the rate of generation of CO2 over the time of the measurements is attributed to an increase in biogenic CO2 in response to the gradual increase in temperature since the end of the Little Ice Age.

Justification for this claim can be seen in a comparison between the dearth of life at the cold Poles and the profusion of life, in a myriad of forms, in the warm Equatorial zone. Life forms flourish with greater temperature.

As there were missing values in the time sequence, interpolation was applied using a third order polynomial fit to adjoining data strings and a ‘weekly’ time interval of 7.02416 days, that is, one fifty second part of a year, for the following analysis of the CO2 concentration time series. The original time series consisted of 3173 values while the interpolated time series consisted of 3233 values at a uniform ‘weekly’ interval.

The amplitude of the seasonal variation ranged from 5.9 ppm early in the series to 9.3 ppm in the later part of the series, changing from year to year in an irregular fashion but clearly increasing in amplitude over time. The maximum in the seasonal variation occurred on average in mid-May at the start of Summer while the minimum occurred at the end of September, just prior to Winter.

It is attributed to the Summer sunshine causing an increase in photosynthesis which absorbs CO2 resulting in the fall in CO2 concentration. The decay of vegetation in the cold of Winter releases CO2 resulting in a rise in the CO2 concentration.

That is, the concentration is decreasing during the heat of Summer and increasing during the cool of Winter putting it at odds with the UN IPCC claim that an increase in CO2 concentration causes a temperature increase.

The annual rate of change of the CO2 concentration was determined from the interpolated ‘weekly’ time series by taking the difference between values 52 weeks apart and is shown in Figure 2. It displays the estimated annual rate of change of the CO2 concentration with high frequency noise superimposed on a cyclic pattern with a linear trend of 0.0286 ppm pa per annum. The sequence of maxima and minima match that for the Oceanic Niño 3.4 Index (Ref.2) shown in Figure 3.

In order to illustrate the correlation between the two series, Figure 4 shows the detrended Mauna Loa annual rate of change of CO2 concentration, after smoothing with a low pass filter, overlain on the Oceanic Niño 3.4 Index, both covering the same 61 year period.

In considering the relationship between the two series it is necessary to be aware that the Mauna Loa rate of change was derived from a weekly series of measurements taken at a single point on the globe.

The Oceanic Niño 3.4 Index is the anomaly in the sea surface temperature relative to a 30 year average over the Equatorial zone between latitudes 5° South to 5° North and longitudes 120° West to 170° West, an area of the central Pacific Ocean of 6,568,670 square kilometres. The Mauna Loa Observatory is 2,450 km from the centre of the Ninõ 3.4 area, on a bearing of 27.5° East of North.

As has been demonstrated in earlier studies of CO2 data on, their seasonal variation arose from biological sources in response to the associated temperature change. Likewise the close correlation between the Mauna Loa CO2 rate of change and the Oceanic Niño 3.4 Index, as shown by the coincidence of the major maxima in Figure 4, is attributed to a biological response to the major, world-wide climate event depicted by the Niño 3.4 Index.

There is a marked negative correlation in the centre of the graph annotated by ‘’ corresponding to the major volcanic eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines on 12 June 1991 which significantly altered the relationship between the rate of change of CO2 and the Oceanic Niño 3.4 Index. The eruption caused an unexplained phenomenon whereby the rate of change of CO2 dropped to a minimum as the sea surface temperatures reached a local maximum. The Mauna Loa Observatory is 8859 km on a bearing of 72.4°East of North from Mount Pinatubo.

Autocorrelation Function:

More detail of the source of variation in the CO2 annual rate of change is shown by its autocorrelation function illustrated in Figure 5. It reveals a clear cyclic pattern based on the El Niño event as shown in the accompanying table listing the correlation maxima, Table 1.

The average from Table 1, column 4, adjusted for the multiple expressions of the El Niño event was 1313 days. The event clearly dominates the CO2 annual rate of change indicating that this major climate event together with the seasonal weather pattern determines the rate of generation of CO2 in the Equatorial region.

This confirms the earlier proposition that the temperature level determines the rate of change of CO2 concentration seen in the monthly data for Cape Grim and Macquarie Island stations and Mt Waliguan Observatory described in the analysis of data from each site as reported in the pages of: .

Discrete Fourier Transform:

Figure 6 shows the amplitude spectrum from the Discrete Fourier Transform of the interpolated time series for the annual rate of change of the CO2 concentration padded with zeros at each end to give of length of 4096 values.

The amplitude scale was clipped to better display the higher frequency, shorter wavelength events so it excludes the maximum of 9.4 at x-coordinate 22, equivalent to a period of 1308 days, which dominated the autocorrelation function. That is the maximum predicted to represent the response to the El Niño event already seen in the autocorrelation function.

Figure 6. DFT Amplitude spectrum of the annual rate of change of CO2 concentration.

There is a multitude of local maxima in the Amplitude spectrum some of which have been assigned possible sources from the known synodic periods of the Moon and planets within the Solar System, being the time interval between instances of the Sun, Earth and a planet being in alignment. Average values for these periods have been taken from the publicly available literature but may change with time.

The periods drift due to the ever-changing configuration of the Solar System and this may contribute to a broadening of the spectral responses. There are other periodic events, such as changes in the ellipticity of the orbits which have not been taken into account in this study.

A list of possible sources is shown in Table 2 for a selection of the peaks in the DFT amplitude spectrum. They are listed by the coordinate on the x axis, in cycles per 4096 weeks, and the amplitude of response with period in years and days for ease of reference to orbital periods of the Moon and planets, e.g. x-coord 2 is 2 cycles in 4096 weeks which is one cycle in 2048 weeks which is a period of 39.38 years or 14,385 days.

Some of these may also relate to the periodicities resulting from the Short-term orbital forcing described in Cionco, R. G., and Soon,W. W.-H.[ Ref. 3 ].


The major influence on the rate of generation of atmospheric CO2 in the Equatorial zone has been the El Niño event, that is, climate change causing a change in the rate of generation of CO2, the complete opposite to the UN IPCC claim that CO2 causes climate change. As far as is known, no physical process has been proposed whereby the CO2 change could cause an El Niño event.

Furthermore, it is notable that both the synodic and draconic periods of the Moon are apparent throughout the 62-year weekly series. An explanation for the synodic period is that each New Moon reduces the incoming Sun’s radiation to the Earth and its atmosphere as it passes between the Sun and the Earth. Similar temperature minima must occur when Mercury and/or Venus pass between the Sun and the Earth.

The draconic period is due to the Moon’s elliptical plane being at an angle of 5.14° to the Earth’s elliptic relative to the Sun. As a result, when the Moon passes through one of the two nodal points, where the Moon’s ellipse intersects the Earth’s elliptic, it has the greatest influence in diminishing the irradiation of the Earth which, in turn, reduces the Earth’s surface temperature thereby causing a response in the rate of generation of CO2.

Except during a Solar eclipse when the drop in temperature is marked, the passing of the Moon through its nodal points may only causes a minor drop in temperature. Despite this, there is a measurable effect on the rate of change of CO2 concentration apparent in the amplitude spectrum implying a significant sensitivity between temperature and CO2 rate of change. This action appears to have been completely overlooked by the UN IPCC in their assessment of the forces generating the Earth’s climate.

As a number of the spectral maxima approximately correspond with the synodic  periods of the Moon and the planets, the results are interpreted as showing that the Sun’s irradiance of the Earth is modulated by the movement of the Moon and planets. This must cause corresponding changes in the Earth’s atmospheric temperature which, in turn, has caused changes in the CO2 concentration. This is contrary to the never-proven claim by the UN IPCC that increased CO2 concentration causes an increase in the Earth’s atmospheric temperature.



File: weekly_in_situ_co2_mlo.csv

  1. Oceanic Nino Index, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
  2. Cionco and Soon, Short-term orbital forcing: A quasi-review and a reappraisal of realistic boundary conditions for climate modeling, Earth-Science Reviews 166 (2017) 206-222, Elsevier B.V.

About the author: Bevan Dockery, B.Sc.(Hons), Grad. Dip. Computing, retired geophysicist, formerly: Fellow of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists, Member of the Australian Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Member of the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Member of the European Association of Exploration Geophysicists, Member of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.

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Comments (14)

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    jerry krause


    Hi Bevan,

    I do not disagree with the title of your posting, but I disagree with your statement: “Justification for this claim can be seen in a comparison between the dearth of life at the cold Poles and the profusion of life, in a myriad of forms, in the warm Equatorial zone. Life forms flourish with greater temperature.”

    I have been trying to encourage PSI readers to follow the MOSAiC Expedition ( to actually learn about ‘life’ and the environment of the Arctic Ocean. Today, at 82 plus degrees North is a picture of a polar bear with its cub. A few days earlier was a picture of whale. Are these pictures of big animals which need to eat examples of a “dearth of life at the cold Poles”?

    Have a good day, Jerry

    . “


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      Bevan Dockery


      Thank you Jerry.
      They are North Polar bears, there is nothing similar at the South Pole, in fact there is no life except for a few humans sent there to record the lifeless conditions. The H2O at the South Pole is all in the form of ice. At the North Pole it is liquid water, one of the essential ingredients for life together with carbon and oxygen – just add heat and life forms bloom.
      The UAH satellite data shows that the least temperature change has been a slight warming at the South Pole and the greatest temperature change has been the increase at the North Pole. One day I would like to make a direct comparison of the data to try and determine why this is so. Part of the reason is the flattening of the Earth at the South Pole but that does not account for the greatest rise being the Arctic region.
      Wishing You Well, Bevan


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        jerry krause


        Hi Bevan,

        I’m curious. Have you gone to follow MOSAiC and studied any the pictures and comments?

        Have a good day, Jerry


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          Bevan is right. The dearth of life and profusion of life are comparative terms here. When we look at the poles and move towards the equator we see that life in all forms become more varied and higher in numbers. Bevan didn’t say that there wasn’t any life at the poles, just a lot less than when you move away from the poles.


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          jerry krause


          Hi Chris,

          What does the word–dearth–mean to you? Are whales generally found in the tropics? What do whales eat?

          And I ask you too, have you followed the MOSAiC Expedition?

          I read and study a lot and I have for done this more than 60 years. And yes, I have forgotten many details but believe I remember most all the fundamental principles. Like the Centrifugal Effect..

          Have a good day, Jerry


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          Bevan Dockery


          Thank you Jerry, I have taken a look. If it is the plentiful life that has made an impression for you, the same occurs in the ocean waters surrounding Antarctica. I suggest on the Mauna Loa page of my web site that CO2 is mainly generated in the Tropics. It moves out towards the Poles where it is precipitated in the hail and snow due to its increasing solubility with decreasing temperature. It is locked in the ice sheets which slowly move to the edge of the surrounding seas. There the CO2 rich melt water generates phytoplankton and the like which in turn attract shrimp then fish then penguins and seals then whales and sharks.
          The carbon in various forms is spread through the oceans to become carbonate sediments which are an enormous store of carbon throughout the world originating from the soil in the Tropics. However, due to the corruption of science, we only hear about anthropogenic generated CO2 as there is no finance for research into other sources such as soil microbes, yeasts and so on. The UN IPCC does not want discoveries that expose their lies.


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            Jerry, yes whales are known to go to the tropics. Whales and what they eat are not the only life on the planet. Like I said, dearth here is used as a comparison. The comparison is between life in the poles vs the tropics. At the poles are there many trees, birds, etc as compared with lower latitudes? Life becomes more varied as one moves from the poles to the tropics. Yes life is more scarce at the poles. Like you said, look at pictures.

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            jerry krause


            Hi Chris,

            You wrote: “I suggest on the Mauna Loa page of my web site that CO2 is mainly generated in the Tropics. ”

            On what evidence is your suggestion based?

            Have a good day, Jerry

        • Avatar

          jerry krause


          Hi Chris,

          “Krill feed on phytoplankton, microscopic, single-celled plants that drift near the ocean’s surface and live off carbon dioxide and the sun’s rays. They in turn are the main staple in the diets of literally hundreds of different animals, from fish, to birds, to baleen whales.

          “Simply put, many oceanic life forms depend on krill.

          “Importance to the Antarctic Ecosystem

          “Pink and opaque, Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) are among the largest of the 85 known krill species. Their estimated numbers range from 125 million tons to 6 billion tons in the waters around Antarctica. During certain times of year, krill congregate in swarms so dense and widespread that they can be seen from space.” (

          Have a good day, Jerry


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            Bevan Dockery


            Jerry re: You wrote: “I suggest on the Mauna Loa page of my web site that CO2 is mainly generated in the Tropics. ”
            On what evidence is your suggestion based?

            Please look at the analysis on my web site:

        • Avatar

          jerry krause


          Hi Zoe,

          Svalvard Island was clearly formed by volcanic activity but I have recently read that the permafrost there is now 50 feet depth. So you maybe should not consider this geothermal activity is a permanent phenomenon. A fact is there is much I do not know and am waiting to learn the temperature of the very, very deep water that the Polarstern dirfted over.

          Have a good day, Jerry


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    As this is a truly great article — I wonder: do all the (mostly vocal) AGW activists even acknowledge this?
    I bet they’ll ignore it as anything else which would endanger their false narrative.
    We live in a very strange time, Sun’s maximum is called (C)AGW, a funny flu is called “pandemic crisis,” and nobody seems to listen to fact-based studies.
    I really think we had this coming, how could we deserve any better than Armageddon…


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