Eye-Popping Video Exposes Junk Science Federal Climate Program

post-glacial sea level rise

So is the federal government a disinterested player in the debate on climate science? Not based on an impressive video that outlines some of the shenanigans of government agencies that supposedly watch the matter.

Composed of 13 federal agencies that conduct research on global changes that impact society, the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) is a federal project that issues periodic reports about the climate in the United States.

In 1989, the year it was established, USGCRP was mandated by Congress to coordinate federal research related to the human and natural forces that affect the global environment.

Billed as the leading federal authority on global warming science, USGCRP and its affiliated agencies are tasked with educating a trusting public about Earth’s ever-changing climate.

The program’s periodic reports are referred to as national climate assessments, which are eagerly parroted in western media as part of an ongoing conspiracy to frighten uninformed voters to support massive carbon energy taxes that would radically alter the lifestyle of all but the wealthiest Americans.  

Since its inception, USGCRP’s climate assessments have been, to the best of my knowledge, overwhelmingly pessimistic.

The National Climate Assessment released in November 2018 is typically dire: “The impacts of climate change, including powerful storms, droughts, and wildfires, are worsening in the United States.”

Most Americans would be shocked to know that USGCRP’s climate assessments are little more than brazen environmental propaganda, and what follows is convincing proof of that contention.

Tony Heller, who runs the website RealClimateScience.com, exposes malicious data manipulation by USGCRP and other government entities.

A lifelong environmentalist who has used a bicycle for all of his local travel over the last 40 years, Heller holds a BS in Geology (Arizona State University) and a Masters in Electrical Engineering (Rice University).

As part of his efforts to put the glare of bright light on junk climate science, Heller produced an absolutely devastating video that lays bare the fraudulent presentation of climate data by the U.S. Global Change Research Program.

How so?  To produce its frightening assessments, USGCRP cherry-picks the starting point of climate graphs to give a false impression that hot days, wildfires, sea-level rise, and other climate indicators are undergoing cataclysmic negative changes, when just the opposite is true, as Heller’s video clearly shows.

To most everyone except the scientists who create them, climate graphs can cause the human brain to spasm. Heller’s video has several such graphs, so follow his presentation closely, and if necessary watch it more than once.

I guarantee it will be the best thing you’re likely to see in understanding how the American public is being played for fools by USGCRP’s national climate assessments, and the corrupt western media that breathlessly report them as gospel.

You can help expose the federal government’s role in disseminating climate propaganda by sharing Heller’s video far and wide.

Read rest at American Thinker

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Comments (37)

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    Andy Rowlands


    I am an avid follower of Tony Heller’s videos, he never fails to get it right. If anyone was deserving of Time’s Person of the Year award, it was Tony Heller.


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    Andy, don’t get too “avid” with Tony, or you will be disappointed.

    Tony is, unfortunately, a tragic character. He is filled with talent, but has let his ego ruin his life. He has been unable to keep a job, or hold his marriage together. His latest thing is to try to get his blog followers to support him, because he can’t get a job.

    He doesn’t understand the physics of climate, and actually believes in the GHE. He has tried to claim to be an engineer, but he does not have the minimum qualtifications. He has even censored people that try to explain the science to him.

    He’s knowledgeable about computer programming, so appreciate that, but beware that he could turn on Skeptics at any time.


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    James McGinn


    Tony is, unfortunately, a tragic character. He is filled with talent, but has let his ego ruin his life. He has been unable to keep a job, or hold his marriage together.

    Wow, Geran. You seem bitter.

    Undoubtedly, you Climate of Sophistry groupies presented your obsession with thermodynamics to Tony and he was not interested. (Thusly, Tony demonstrates he is more reasonable than you pretenders.)

    There is more to science and more to climate science that just thermodynamics.

    His latest thing is to try to get his blog followers to support him, because he can’t get a job.


    He doesn’t understand the physics of climate, and actually believes in the GHE. He has tried to claim to be an engineer, but he does not have the minimum qualifications.

    Why so bitter?

    He has even censored people that try to explain the science to him.

    Excellent! Just like when people try to explain science to you CoS groupies. I like seeing you arrogant A-holes get a taste of your own medicine.

    I love it. Good for Tony! I wouldn’t take shit from you sophistry groupies either. That arrogant prick Postma needs a good swift kick in the rear every now and again.

    You pedantic fools should stay over at CoS and leave your negative nonsense off this forum.

    Woke Meteorology

    James McGinn / Solving Tornadoes


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      Nat Figha


      If we do the same things CoS people do, are we really better than them?


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      James McGinn is a dweeb


      Considering that engineers brought us the internet, phones, computers, planes, etc. based on being shills/groupies/whatever, they might have some credibility


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        James McGinn


        Considering that engineers brought us the internet, phones, computers, planes, etc.

        Good, why don’t you go invent something and leave broad, comprehensive, and multi-faceted problems to people who have the intellect, temperament and education to deal with these wider issues.

        And take your snotty attitude with you.

        What is a vortice and how do they maintain structural integrity

        James McGinn / Solving Tornadoes


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          ImSmartCauseIKnowThisOneThing Jones


          What is relativistic time dilation? Does the flat earth’s model for gravity explain Mercury’s erratic orbit as well as general relativity?

          Just cause you google searched “vortice” and can regurgitate your half-witted understanding of it doesn’t make you an intellectual lol

          And for the record, Engineers would at least use evidence when addressing these big problems instead of gut feeling or emotion, I wonder which would work better?


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          Im Smart


          What is relativistic time dilation? Does the flat earth’s model for gravity explain Mercury’s erratic orbit as well as general relativity?

          Just cause you google searched “vortice” and can regurgitate your half-witted understanding of it doesn’t make you an intellectual lol

          And for the record, Engineers would at least use evidence when addressing these big problems instead of gut feeling or emotion, I wonder which would work better?


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            James McGinn


            What is relativistic time dilation? Does the flat earth’s model for gravity explain Mercury’s erratic orbit as well as general relativity?

            LOL. So, you are so intimidated by the fact that I might know something that you don’t know so now you are trying to shift to a subject that you understand.

            Just cause you google searched “vortice” and can regurgitate your half-witted understanding of it doesn’t make you an intellectual lol

            On a different forum I had a conversation that I think fits as a good response to you now:

            Odd Bodkin:
            Because it’s more gratifying to imagine that your disagreement with everyone else is proof of your genius and proof that everyone else is an idiotic unthinking sheep.

            I am a revolutionary scientist. And that puts me in the category of being a great scientist and even a genius, I suppose.

            You are right to suggest that I consider my disagreement proof of my genius. But you are wrong to suggest that I imagine that everyone else is an idiotic unthinking sheep. If this was the case I would not consider myself to be a genius.

            If you study the history of science you would see that the same is true for all. I am no exception. All scientific geniuses realize that everyone is an idiotic unthinking sheep–especially themselves.

            And for the record, Engineers would at least use evidence when addressing these big problems instead of gut feeling or emotion, I wonder which would work better?

            With me if you talk about evidence in the abstraction you lose credibility. Present your evidence or go take a hike.

            James McGinn / Solving Tornadoes
            What is a vortice and how do they maintain structural integrity

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          Im Smarter


          Oh and vortices can be explained by Navier-Stokes equations, which explain all of fluid dynamics. Are you familiar with them?


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            James McGinn


            Im Smarter:
            Oh and vortices can be explained by Navier-Stokes equations, which explain all of fluid dynamics. Are you familiar with them?

            N-S has completely failed to explain tornadic vortices. The reason it has failed is not because there is anything wrong with N-S. It’s because our ignorance of the surface tension properties of water have prevented us from comprehending the sheath of tornadic vortices.

            I am the solution to this problem.

            James McGinn / Genius
            The sheath of a tornado is a form of surface tension. It is a plasma of spinning, churning H2O molecules. It has structural strength and a surface—common characteristics of plasmas. But the origin of this strength doesn’t involve the forces associated with ionic bonds, as is the case with most plasmas. Instead this is a kind of plasma that involves the forces associated with hydrogen bonds. I thought of it as surface tension that is expressed in three dimensions—surface tension on steroids!

            I conjectured that hydrogen bonds must be distinctive from covalent or ionic bonds in that with hydrogen bonds the force that creates the bond must be deactivated by the bond itself. And so, whereas with a covalent bond or an ionic bond the force that brings them together remains, with hydrogen bonds the force that brings them together is deactivated–neutralized. Accordingly, the fewer bonds that an H2O molecule shares with other H2O molecules the stronger are these bonds. Conversely, the greater were the number of bonds an H2O molecule shared with other H2O molecules the weaker were these bonds—all the way down to having zero strength when fully bonded.

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          James, that quote was NOT from me.

          But, accuracy and honesty never were your strong points.


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          Host Me


          James, I’d love if you hosted me on your talkshow. I’d love to have a nice discussion and answer some of your questions


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            James McGinn


            Sure. Send me an email. Let me know what’s a good time for you.

            jimmcginn9 at gmail dot com

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      Electromagnetic Elasticity


      “Electromagnetic elasticity” is jargon just to confuse your viewers. Y’all throw the word electromagnetic around because you don’t understand it so you know your dumber viewers are gonna understand it even less. There’s nothing electromagnetic about a hydrogen bond except the energy associated with it, if you use E=hf where E is energy, h is Planck’s constant, and f is the frequency of a photon produced when that bond is broken


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        James McGinn


        “Electromagnetic elasticity” is jargon just to confuse your viewers.

        Yeah, so, you don’t know about it, so it couldn’t possibly be true. Right? Isn’t this your snotty attitude?

        Electromagnetic elasticity is the most important, unknown factor in all of the natural sciences. It is the reason liquid H2O has such a high heat capacity (mystery solved). It is also instrumental (along with H2O’s hidden structural properties) as the sheath of vortices–vortices being the pressure relief mechanisms of earth’s atmosphere.

        When you understand electromagnetic elasticity you understand something very profound about H2O–especially with respect to the relationship of H2O to energy.

        Y’all throw the word electromagnetic around because you don’t understand it so you know your dumber viewers are gonna understand it even less.

        I understand it. Obviously you don’t. And you are too filled with pride and obstinate arrogance to ask for an explanation. Your snotty attitude protects your ego at the expense of you knowledge. Stay stupid.

        There’s nothing electromagnetic about a hydrogen bond except the energy associated with it,

        All bonds are electromagnetic, moron.

        if you use E=hf where E is energy, h is Planck’s constant, and f is the frequency of a photon produced when that bond is broken

        Everybody knows this, simpleton. The reason H2O radiates in the IR band and the reason it does so in such a wide spectrum HAS EVERYTHING TO DO WITH THE ELECTROMAGNETIC ELASTICITY OF HYDROGEN BONDS IN LIQUID WATER.

        James McGinn / Genius


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          Those quotes are not from me, James. You’re being fooled again.

          You’re so easily fooled.


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          Silly Man


          First and foremost, I would love if you had me on your talkshow, I think it would make for an interesting discussion.

          Secondly, half of your rebuttals are personal attacks, aka arrogant, snotty attitude (I think you mean snobby), moron, and this does not make for productive debate. How would you like it if I said those things to you?

          Third, I design antennas for a living. Yes, I get paid to understand fully how electromagnetism works. I also have a reach project that simulates biological molecular systems, which yes, includes water.

          If your electromagnetic elasticity theory is so revolutionary and all-encompassing, why isn’t it published? In the news? In the simulation models? Also, the heat capacity of water has been solved for awhile if you just google it, and H20’s spectrum was solved more recently using Schrodinger’s equation and Quantum Mechanical simulations. If you really want to understand the “electromagnetic elasticity” of water, you should look at one of the MANY quantum simulation coding libraries such as Gaussian, Psi4, etc. and see if you can figure out what you’re talking about.

          Like I said, have me on your show, unless you’re scared


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            James McGinn


            First and foremost, I would love if you had me on your talkshow, I think it would make for an interesting discussion.

            Sure. Thanks for asking. It may take a day or two to get some streaming software set up on my computer. But, absolutely. Yes.

            Secondly, half of your rebuttals are personal attacks, aka arrogant, snotty attitude (I think you mean snobby), moron, and this does not make for productive debate. How would you like it if I said those things to you?

            It wouldn’t bother me at all. In fact I might even be a bit flattered that you are mirroring my posting behaviors.

            Normally I am a very polite person. But when I am online I am careful not to come off as too polite. Polite people on the internet are ignored. I don’t want to be ignored. And, if you are any indication, it seems to be working. (Think about it, would you have responded if I was polite to Geran?)

            Third, I design antennas for a living. Yes, I get paid to understand fully how electromagnetism works. I also have a reach project that simulates biological molecular systems, which yes, includes water.

            If your electromagnetic elasticity theory is so revolutionary and all-encompassing, why isn’t it published? In the news? In the simulation models?

            Why do all revolutionary scientific breakthroughs have a uphill battle for acceptance? Because humans are hyper-pseudo-rational:

            I was involved in human evolution before I was involved with water and meteorology.

            Also, the heat capacity of water has been solved

            It’s been known, but I am the first to describe the underlying mechanism.

            for awhile if you just google it, and H20’s spectrum was solved more recently using Schrodinger’s equation and Quantum Mechanical simulations.

            What was “solved” exactly?

            If you really want to understand the “electromagnetic elasticity” of water, you should look at one of the MANY quantum simulation coding libraries such as Gaussian, Psi4, etc.

            Overkill. It’s not that hard. You’ll see.

            and see if you can figure out what you’re talking about.

            Like I said, have me on your show, unless you’re scared

            As with any revolutionary scientists, the thing I fear most is anonimity. You’re participation will help me alleviate these fears.

            Also, my podcast has the option where I can allow people to call in on the phone and leave voice message responses that I can subsequently post to the podcast. Is this something you’d be interested in? Let me know.

            Thanks for the response.

            James McGinn / Solving Tornadoes
            By the way, one of the implications of H2O’s electromagnetic elasticity is the numerous anomalies of H2O. If this is not something you are aware of I suggest you take some time on Google to become aware of them. My theory explains them.

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          Imnot Geran


          Also I’m definitely not Geran. Sorry I’ve been slow to reply I’m bored at work trying to get a molecule simulation running (again, with plenty of water)

          Reference guide here if you’re interested in learning something: http://www.ks.uiuc.edu/Training/Tutorials/namd/namd-tutorial-unix.pdf

          Also if you call me a “shill” or whatever you want or say my programs were given to me by the state or some other conspiracy, we make predictions in these programs and then physically measure and see results, as well as verify the math actually works. The only real conspiracy is that this whole universe might be on some gigantic alien computer lol


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            Stable Genius


            Also just notice that you sign your messages “Genius”
            Wow! I would never have guessed you were a genius, thanks for letting me know! Very trump-esque in that you have to affirm your intelligence, something which actual intelligent people rarely do.

            Intelligent people are smart enough to know the things they don’t know, where unintelligent people think they know everything

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            James McGinn


            I read your link. I started to critique it, but then I realized it is so incredibly amateurish that it needs no critique.

            Why Does Water Have a High Heat Capacity?
            Water has a high heat capacity because a lot of heat energy is required to break the hydrogen bonds found in a molecule of water. Because the majority of heat energy is concentrated on breaking the hydrogen bonds, the water molecule itself heats up after the bonds are broken.

            Once the hydrogen bonds in a water molecule are heated up enough to break, the additional heat energy can then be imparted to the water molecule itself. This additional heat energy then vibrates the water molecule, allowing it to bump into nearby water molecules to distribute the heat energy imparted by a heat source. However, the process of heat energy distribution is slow, as the vibrating water molecule must impart sufficient heat energy to break the hydrogen bonds in the surrounding water molecules. Once the heat source is removed from the water it cools down, but very slowly.

            Just as significant energy is required to break the hydrogen bonds in a water molecule, significant energy is likewise required to re-form them. Only when the water molecule achieves a low enough temperature to allow the hydrogen bonds to re-form does the water molecule release the heat energy. This process of warming and cooling explains why water slowly heats up and cools down.

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          Dropped you an email, lmk what are your thoughts


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      Electromagnetic Elasticity


      “Electromagnetic elasticity” is jargon just to confuse your viewers. Y’all throw the word electromagnetic around because you don’t understand it so you know your dumber viewers are gonna understand it even less. There’s nothing electromagnetic about a hydrogen bond except the energy associated with it, if you use E=hf where E is energy, h is Planck’s constant, and f is the frequency of a photon produced when that bond is broken


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      James, thanks for pasting my exact quotes, before you offered your unsupportable opinions.

      That way, folks get to decide for themselves.


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        It is your opinions that are unsupported.

        I don’t see you refuting Mr. Heller’s claims is that because you can’t.

        I have decided that you are nothing but repressive, regressive, climate alarmists Socialist.


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          Lol Jerry


          Here let me try

          He doesn’t understand the physics of climate, and actually believes in the GHE. He has tried to claim to be an engineer, but he does not have the minimum qualifications.

          Why so bitter?

          I’m not bitter

          BOOM refuted, goodbye


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          What’s the opposite of an alarmist? A word is missing here but it’s so critical. Graphs like this article are cherry picked to give you the “everything is ok, move on” attitude so corporations can continue to pillage the earth for personal gain. 7 billion humans are a lot of people, and the earth isn’t as big as you think


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          What’s the opposite of an alarmist? A word is missing here but it’s so critical. Graphs like this article are cherry picked to give you the “everything is ok, move on” attitude so corporations can continue to pillage the earth for personal gain. 7 billion humans are a lot of people, and the earth isn’t as big as you think


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            Solution. Starting with your family and genetic lineage. wipe it out. Start killing yourself and all your relations. If you believe there are too many humans on Earth, set an example. Walk the Walk instead of blaming everyone else.

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      Joseph Olson


      I DISTRUST anyone who has a “graduate degree” in Engineering, but has a cop out undergraduate degree. Tony does not understand Thermodynamics or Radiation Physics, and does dismiss those who try to educate him on REAL science. His presentations are diminished by his arrogance.


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        James McGinn


        Engineers are frequent victims of the Dunning-Kruger delusion. Somehow their/your education has left them/you with the delusion that you are a master scientists. You aren’t. You are an engineer.

        The mindset of an engineer is completely different than the mindset of a scientists. Engineers deal with certainty. Scientists deal with uncertainty. Engineers are focused on all that is known in their specialty. Scientists (especially revolutionary scientists like myself) are focused on what is unknown or uncertain in their specialty.


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    Nake Fews


    This site is the definition of fake news


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    James McGinn


    Just some basic research uncovered this.

    Is this your excuse?

    water’s high heat capacity is caused by hydrogen bonds which are not electromagnetic, but rather are a dipole-dipole interaction (solely electric, not magnetic).

    Not possible.

    You are dumb. Go away.

    James McGinn / Genius


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    Solution. Starting with your family and genetic lineage. wipe it out. Start killing yourself and all your relations. If you believe there are too many humans on Earth, set an example. Walk the Walk instead of blaming everyone else.


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