Climate Religion – Why is it so simple to cheat the mass?

image: Norbert Schwarzer, “Just a Fractal… or the typical outcome of a “climate simulation”

Abstract: There is never much of need to create a religion. What in the antique times just needed to be golden calve, somebody called holy, nowadays just requires a made-up (hockey stick) curve somebody declared as of scientific origin.

As long as there are parasites who can feast on the outcome of the movement potentially erupting from such fairy tales or downright lies, there will also always be enough believers willingly and dumbly following the story, no matter how illogic, inconsistent, if not to say stupid or even dangerous it may be.

… and immediately we have a new religion, including the pious followers and – naturally – the parasitic “leaders”, who use the chance to press every penny out of everybody dim enough to trust them.

But why is it so simple to make people believe often even the greatest rubbish?

The question why man does believe, respectively where his spirituality comes from is an important one. It is so important, not because of the many cruel wars fought over belief and the millions of books been written about the infinite number of forms of spirituality (as many as there are thinking entities in this universe), but because it is just one fundamental aspect of the thing which brought us about: Evolution. In fact, evolution forced us to develop an inner spiritual core and thus, belief, which is to say spiritual belief, is not an option, but a must.

The question why man MUST believe was already answered in [1], but as many people don’t like or partially are even afraid of math, we here reproduce the essentials.

[1]          N. Schwarzer, “The Relativistic Quantum Bible – Genesis and Revelation”,, ASIN: B01M1CJH1B

Why Does Man Believe?

Are people with a certain belief worth more than others just because of that belief?

Our dogmatic answer to this question is NO.

Are priests, shamans, imams, rabbis or any other leader of a group of such believers above other men just because of their leading role for this group of believers? I mean above other men if the aspect of measuring is not connected with this leading role?

Again, our dogmatic answer to this question is NO.

Here just one example to make our point absolutely clear:

The pope is an ordinary man (Ask him, he’ll tell you so himself!), being elected by other ordinary men to do a certain job. In his case it is to lead the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church on the other hand is nothing special, it is an organization, a kind of permanent gathering or community of people who all share a certain belief. In this case it is “the” Christian belief. Thereby we used the “…”-signed in order to point out that “the” Christian belief does not exist. It was, is and always will be a complex composition of thoughts, ideas and ideals, being splattered over a rather non-conform community. Even though some of these people will tell you and everybody else that they are special, simply because they are having that belief and because they are part of this community, named “Church”, you should ALWAYS treat their “assertion about being special” with great care. The same just holds for all “Churches”.


Because Moslems, Jews, other Christians (other than the Catholic ones), Hindus and so on, they will all say the same about themselves. They will all claim to be special above others. But with everybody being special above the other, because of such different beliefs, NO ONE is.

Things would be much easier here if we were talking about different political parties or supporters of certain sports teams, where it is not about various religious beliefs but about different political opinions or sportive groups.

But why is this so?

Why does everything which has to do with religion seems so very much more difficult to discuss about?

The answer to this requires us to investigate our own evolution. We will not be able to understand our own partially irrational, if not to say funny behavior, regarding religion if we do not understand the origin of spirituality.

As this is a very complicated topic, full of mines to tread on, the author will leave the elaboration to a fictive entity. It might help to imagine this purely fictive entity as something remotely similar to a child. Let us assume a very young “nothingness”, just realizing what the funny thing named evolution had come up with. Ok, some of you might perhaps find it easier to imagine this nothingness as a kind of a child God.

A Very Young Nothingness and Her / His Questions Explains Us Spirituality

There was a moment when evolution had the completely insane idea to develop consciousness. Evolution realized, which is to say the process of mutation and selection “discovered” that life forms equipped with consciousness actually weren’t the fittest. Thereby it needs to be pointed out that consciousness wasn’t the thing evolution had aimed for. It only wanted to have cleverness. With cleverness the evolution was able to form species being able to use tools, perhaps even create some themselves. With cleverness evolution could bring about entities, being able to help evolution with the ever more complicated inventions necessary to really make the difference. Consciousness, on the other hand, merely came as a by-product nobody really had wished for. One may say that consciousness was the true original sin. A sin, by the way, nobody should be blamed for, but evolution. After all, if we all had stayed dumb like earth worms, the word “sin” would not even exist.

On first sight it was good to have some kind of awareness or self-awareness, but within the cruel reality it often became a disadvantage to “feel” respectively to consciously recognize what was going on and what life or being consciously alive really meant. So, evolution had to learn it the hard way, that it could create sufficiently fit life forms, who also have consciousness only when adding yet another piece to that recipe and this was spirituality. Only spirituality allowed these self-aware and feeling life forms to put all those difficult or impossible to understand, often cruel or even unbearable experiences to a place in those bigger and bigger growing brains where it (meaning all the mess, cruelty and madness around) would hurt a bit less.

Of course, evolution never intended to make this storage for spiritual thought bigger than absolutely necessary. After all, evolution only wanted to create fitter life forms and had no interest what so ever in bringing dim and passive believers into being. Thus, the organ of spirituality only ever was thought as a temporary storage room for everything which could not be explained straight away. Unfortunately, however, it turned out that explanations for some things took longer than the typical life span of such life forms. In fact, there were problems where even the typical life span of a whole species would not suffice. Thus it happened, that there was always something in these storages. They were never empty and the bigger brains, keen to get also these unexplainable things explained, were extremely susceptible to all sorts of prophets who promised to have solutions, answers, hope. And so the epoch of the shamans, priests, imams, Gretas and CO2-smellers, esoterics, astrologists, politicians, politic scientists, soul-experts, climate-apostles, philosophers and coffee shop owners had begun.

Did you all understand that?


Ok then, let’s try it a bit differently.

Spirituality is a complex organ allowing us to put things we do not quite comprehend into a state of:

“Ok, I’m not getting the gist right now, but I simply blame a fictive entity for this, I name this entity God and so I don’t need to bother about the unexplainable thing anymore!”

Now you understood right?


Very good!

The good thing about spirituality for all those, shamans, politicians and so on, now is that we can easily manipulate people because of this organ. You simply need to assure that the broad mass thinks something like:

“Ok, I’m not getting the gist right now, but I simply believe that this or that politician does somehow know what he or she is doing… May God help them!

Or that this or that priest, who always claims to have a direct connection to God, knows much better what is good for me… and so I don’t need to bother about myself and my own life anymore!”

To make this actually work, one has to train that organ, of course. It is a bit like a muscle. You also have to train it to make it strong. There are many ways to train the spiritual organ, but in essence it is just a clever mix of act, carrot, stick and lies.

As a shaman, the moment you lose control over that organ of your people, you also lose them. This organ namely is the only way to truly have power over them all.

Why on earth do you think mediocre politicians are flooding Germany and the EU right now with such dim but super-believing “refugees”?

Why on earth do you think the pope and his colleagues from the other churches wants you to welcome more and more and more of those equally godly people from the south?

You only ever need enough of such uncritical believers becoming dominant among the other people and then…

Well, then for the leaders in church and politics there is no need any more to actually do anything – whatever it is – right. Oh no, it totally suffices to cry something like:

“Amen, Amen I tell you: Yes we can!” or in a more recent case:

We can make it!

But is it fair to abuse this spiritual organ in such a way?

Our dogmatic answer to this question is NO.

Does the mere existence of the organ of spirituality prove the existence of the divine?

Again, our dogmatic answer to this question is NO.

To cut it short we state: Spirituality is a product of evolution. Without it, consciousness could not have evolved, at least not in the way it did with a certain species on earth named homo sapiens. Of course, the foundation for the spiritual organ was laid earlier, long before men appeared on earth and probably right at the beginning when evolution started to experiment with bigger and somewhat more sophisticated brains… perhaps just right after the earth worms, I guess. Thus, the “spiritual organ” is so very deep down in our thought and brain structure that we do find it extremely difficult to stay rational if it comes to any topic having to do with spirituality.

Some people will say that the author is godless, but in fact, I’m the opposite. Those who call me godless are only afraid of me, because I’m telling you to think for yourself instead of blindly following modern shamans, priests, imams and all those who claim to have messages from God for you.

Yes, in fact this “I have a message from God for you” does even sound mad, does it not?

Doesn’t it just sound as mad as “I can smell CO2!”?

Or let’s have the typical: “I am having a message from God for you… it might even be two messages, I cannot tell, because sometimes God is only whispering…”

“How wonderful”, I want to answer, “and did you make sure it is not coming from somebody else? From the inside of your own head, for instance, or God may help us, from the devil himself?”

They are God’s massage machines. What an utter pile of rubbish.

No, they have no massages from God and especially they do have none for you.

If there was a God and he had a message for you, he would give it straight to you.


Because this is the shortest way and trust me, God does know that!!!

And why would he know that?

Because he is God, you idi… whatever… and because this whole universe always goes for the shortest ways, finds the extrema, the optima [2]. This is what we have just seen in the “New Genesis” in [1]. Good, if he exists and if it was him who created the universe, created this as an extremal ensemble of properties, thereby making it the most effective and innovative life- and thought-production machine there can be [1, 3, 4]. That his creation, with its inbuilt minimal principle, also provides the fairest conditions possible, was elaborated in [5].

Why would just God, of all entities, missed that important point in choosing the very ineffective way of only using those self-proclaimed “chosen ones” to send messages from him to you?

In fact, nobody ever had a message from God, not more than you had such massages yourself anyway.

It was evolution and a human being which developed the idea of God, it were human beings who carried that idea on to find solace in difficult times and it were human beings who abused the idea of God.

Shame on them!

They abused it to gain control over their fellow next, over their sisters and brothers for their own advantage – Shame on them! – And of course, they must fight people like the present author who actually want to take that control from them in order give it back to the person to who it belongs, namely you.

We state: Everybody who tells you that he or she has a message from God for you, most certainly is lying and only wants to gain control over you. Do not give him or her that control!!!

So, now we are ready for the next question:

Does this all mean that there is no God, respectively no divine?

Again, our dogmatic answer to this question is NO. Because if something is in your head, it does not mean that it could not also be real.

Thus, the existence of spirituality only proves one thing: Evolution has made a lot of interesting inventions, but the mere idea of the divine does neither prove nor negates its existence.

However, as hinted above, the existence of that spirituality in our brain structures makes it difficult to rationally discuss the topic of the divine. This holds the more as there are other dependencies on the existence of the different forms of the divine. In order to understand that, you simply have to look at the economic dependencies of the Churches and its leaders. Simply imagine the financial disasters all those Churches and their preaching “holy men” would be in, the moment nobody believes in them anymore. The moment nobody believes anymore that these people have messages coming from the divine, they would simply have to stop their comfortable lives and start to work and scrape a living as ordinary men do. But they can’t do this as most of them are completely unfit for such an ordinary life. Consequently, they all have to fight nail and tooth to keep their position as just the top-lairs among us. They are parasites and as the only way to keep this position they have suppress the one thing they fear most: You starting to think for yourself.

So, how neutral can these people be if it comes to honestly answer the question about the existence of God?

And even worse, how neutral can these people, whose complete life depends on their special connection to the divine (a most specific divine, of course, mostly), whose physical and spiritual existence totally and absolutely depends upon their uniqueness, their disparity from ordinary men if it comes to talk to, hear from or obtain messages from God?

Do you think you should give the words of an ordinary man, like the pope surely is, any more attention or credit than anybody else (perhaps yourself or your best friend)? Do you think, you should stop thinking for yourself, freeze in making up your own mind, only because a certain other person, a spiritual leader, has done some thinking for you… or pretends to have done so?

Assuming you have voted “No” in answering all these questions above, it is time for a bit more thinking.

Whenever in its long history has the Church, any Church, not put its own economic interests VERY high up, if not to say above anything else, including fate and wealth of whole civilizations?

Thus, and especially when also taking the history into account, can a Church, any Church, be considered a trustworthy and neutral judge on the matter of the divine?

And having gotten this far, can a spiritual leader, any spiritual leader, totally dependent on your belief in the divine and his special connection to it, ever be considered a trustworthy and neutral judge on any matter in society?

Yes, the Church leaders will not like to read all this, but in order to show also them that I’m not writing this in order to substitute one “divine authority” by another one, I want to add the following:

The above said also holds – of course – for the author.

As an ordinary man he can be as wrong as everyone. So, think for yourself, check the arguments, recalculate the math and reconsider the logic behind. Then try for a new angel and do it all over again!

Why should man believe in God(s) when he has holy Greta(s), Mama Merkel(s) or Saint Michael(s)?

Knowing now where spirituality comes from and being – hopefully – somewhat more aware of the susceptibility lurking inside of each and every one of us, we may just apply our previous finding to examples like “migration is always good”, “gender is a science”, “socialism and communism is for the working people”, “politics can only be understood – and done – by the cleverest among us” or “CO2 is a climate killer” or…

In all these examples, mentioned here, it is quite easy to find the typical host-parasite structure one can make out in most religions. But the huge difference to classical mono or multi-theistic religion is that these religions are based on the existence of god(s). This existence can neither be proven nor can it be disproven. This is just a principle and very fundamental fact. Those examples mentioned above, however, are not based on something being on dispute for eternity, they are based on downright lies. Lies, which were spread among the susceptible in order to construct comfortable structures for parasites. So it was shown in many studies that the whole gender gaga is total nonsense and no science at all. As a very fundamental proof that the so-called “gender-since” is nothing but a huge swindle, it probably suffices to show that the number two holds a very unique place among all numbers in this universe [8]. The proof is based on the last theorem of Fermat and its connection with the fundamental laws of this universe, which dramatically favors the number two on all operation [9]. Reproduction, however, is nothing else as an operation and thus, the non-gender-conform appearance of two sexes is a natural and most logic result and by no means an accident (as the “gender-scientist” want to tell us). So, “gender-science” is a lie-based rubbish and nothing more. The other interesting example is the ideology of Marxism and all related equality ideologies. Here it can easily be shown that perfect equality with respect to any parameter or property always means the death of each and every system crucially depending on that very parameter [10]. Thus, Marxism and all its derivatives are based on a huge lie, too.

Let’s now pick the climate example here. In order to keep the connection, we simply repeat the general discussion from above in a just slightly adapted form:

Thereby, in order to have an illustrative starting point (after all, if it comes to religion it is common practice to apply metaphors), we here want to use a completely fictive story about the origin of the current climate ideology, if not to say madness. In order to make it a bit entertaining, we apply the method of satire.

Why satire?

Isn’t the topic a very serious one?

Yes indeed it is, but what else but satire can we use when seeing that the climate-simulators (or –liars [7]), seriously want to tell us that the solar activity is a constant. If they even – actually – pretend to see (or smell) a CO2 greenhouse gas effect, when the uncertainty of the cloud coverage is already 114 times bigger than any such effect could ever be [6]. Mind you, we really meant the UNCERTAINTY of the cloud coverage and not the absolute value. This alone gives enough reason to resort to satire, but then learning that the German Government has just brought a new “climate rescue tax package” on the way, which actually taxes CO2–emission more than poisoning the world with dioxin, leaves not options for reasoning with these people. Against such stupidity, only satire can be used, because where there is no reason whatsoever, one has to stick to the old saying that humor is when you just laugh anyway.

Let’s just imagine an imaginary person with the name Michael, who always was a bit “funny”. One day, on a toilet and combing his hair with the toilet brush, as he always did, he had a revelation. Namely, when combing his hair – as usual – with the toilet brush, he realized that there was this nasty smell all around him. It occurred to him that the smell was the more and – what is more – more intensive, the more often he combed his hair in the usual – toilet brush – way. Attention seeking as he was, he wanted to tell as many people as he could about this. In fact, he considered this such a great finding that he immediately drew a diagram on a stretch of toilet paper in which he connected the frequency of use of the toilet brush for hair combing with the smelly outcome for his head. Naturally he found that the more he combed, the smellier he became. In result he obtained a nice curve showing this functionality. As it was just a line, which Michael considered a bit boring, he added a few wiggles here and there, just in order to make it a bit more interesting. Then he drew two axes and wrote “COMB” on the x- and “SMELL” on the y-axis. He thought for a moment what might happen when doing even more hair combing this way (perhaps in some excessive, if not so say manic manner, thereby resorting to all public toilets in his town) and realized that this should lead into a rather dramatic increase in smelliness. He added this as steep “prediction” to his curve. Now he wanted to present his result to the public and as he wasn’t completely dim, he sought for good substitutes for the two words he had used in his little diagram so far. After all, so he knew, it is the words which make the difference and not the facts. It took him quite a long time to come up with a good substitute (ten years or so), but finally he had the “COMB” changed to “CO”, where, as Michael wasn’t a very clean worker, some smeared out residual remained behind the “O”. Then he changed the word “SMELL” with “CLIMATE”, because it simply appeared quite natural to him to associate the two things. After all, with him in the room, especially after he had performed some hair combing action, the climate usually was not good at all.

Now he presented his result to the world and under the name “toilet brush curve” it become a huge success and the starting point for a new religion.

Thereby the first presentation was close to become a disaster for Michael as he could not answer the question what the hack the CO should stand for. Then a drunk journalist in the second row, who took the smeared out residual from the “MB” for some index stuff, babbled something like:

“Boa eh… not the stupid CO2 again.”

But some Club-of-Rome people in his vicinity immediately saw their chance and shouted:

“This must be the CO2, of course!”

Then everybody just went crazy and there was nothing but a mix of applause, a lot of shouting and – above all – a great understanding about this important prediction at the end of the “toilet brush curve” where excessive combing had now, which is to say after all the word-changes and Michael-adaptations, led to a very bad “climate” prediction.

Among the first who listened to the “toilet brush curve” story of Michael, there were a totally imaginary Swedish father and his even more imaginary daughter Greta. They were in the first row and Greta, who was about to throw up because of the smell wafting around a freshly combed Michael, thought:

“Oh, I can smell CO2!” and in her slightly restricted brain a connection was built between this awful smell and the prediction part in Michael’s curve she saw right in front of her.

“Hell”, she thought in horror, “if this is getting even worse, I’d really throw up in the end.”

From this moment on, she fought CO2 wherever she could. She did it with such a ferocity that people around her got infected and faster than one could say “Climate Change is just normal” or “CO2 is an absolutely harmless gas”, a new religion was born and Greta was its Messiah.

So and now let us just repeat what we have already learned about the origin of spiritual belief. Thereby we want to incorporate our knowledge about the climate ideology:

We know that spirituality is a complex organ allowing us to put things we do not quite comprehend into a state of:

“Ok, I don’t understand the complicated quantum mechanical behavior of this funny gas CO2 and I have absolutely no inkling about what climate really is, but I trust Greta-gang and the Michael-Saint and all those holy higher entities around them that they are telling the truth. In order to make things simpler for my own internal spiritual filter, I even name these entities EXPERTS and so I don’t need to bother about understanding the whole topic anymore myself! They just do it all for me.”

The good thing about spirituality for all those, experts, fathers of Gretas, Michaels and so on, now is that they can easily manipulate people because of this inner spiritual organ. And this is what they do. They have made the ordinary people believe them and to trust them that they are not only right with this “toilet brush story” (lie) about the CO2 [6, 7], but also to accept a hell of a burden to feed these liars.

And just as it holds with the ordinary religion, in order to make this lie actually work, one has to train that organ. In the case of the climate lie, it is a permanent steady flow of corresponding rubbish and flawed association, cleverly combined with the cane for those who do not want to believe that easily, which does do the trick. They even founded a huge international council of global mafia-like structure in order to reach each and every corner of this world and fill it with this mephitic, pestilential rubbish about the bad CO2.

Now we intend to investigate the parasitic character of these ideological pseudo-religions. When starting with Marxism and just taking the association of George Orwell’s famous “Animal Farm”, we easily see which pigs were “more equal than the others”. All those higher-up party members, Marxism/Leninism and Stalinism teachers, polit-officers, Stasi, Securitate, KGB and so on members, none of them needed to worry about doing anything useful for the society any longer. The society had to work for them, while their own “contribution” was the uphold of the suppression and the assertion and permanent (cruel) enforcement of the underlying, in principle rubbish, ideology. They all were parasites of the society and it is of little wonder that in the end these societies had to fall.

Now you simply turn you gaze towards the gender and CO2-climate “scientist”. You analyze what they could do in a system not accepting such lies and dangerous nonsense. Having done this in a very through manner, you now simply count all those who benefit from the lies in these fields. You investigate who is supporting them and to whom they prostitute themselves in return, like the cheapest whores who have nothing to offer but a worthless flood of obscene words, being whispered into the ear of a media-stultified mass.

Imagine you as a shaman in this anything but holy dance. The moment you lose control over that organ of your people, you also lose them. This organ namely is the only way to truly have power over them all.

And you need to find fellow parasites to connect with. It is not enough that you alone become a millionaire as a CO2-dealing father of Greta. Oh no, you have to share with many others. Journalists, politicians and – very effective – economic refugees. Simply call the latter “climate refugees” and they are becoming your most natural allies. These allies will easily assure the suppression of the little opposition you might have. As coming from nothing, having nothing and knowing nothing, they will also do the dirty work in case there is need. You may not even need to ask them. Don’t worry, they’ll get behind it quite easily on their own and then they’ll just do what’s necessary to crush the rebellion against your climate religion. There is no limits of means.

Why on earth do you think mediocre politicians are flooding Germany and the EU right now with such dim but super-eager and “climate-aggrieved refugees”?

You only ever need enough of such uncritical and – what is more – highly motivated (because selfishly egoistic) believers becoming dominant among the other people and then…

Well, then for the leaders in climate churches and green-rubbish politics there is no need any more to actually do anything – whatever it is – right. Oh no, it totally suffices to cry something like:

“Amen, Amen I tell you: CO2 is bad stuff!” or:

“We need to tax the CO2” (‘and thereby fill our pockets with the dim believer’s hard-earned money’) or in a more recent case:

“I can smell it, too.”

But is it fair to abuse this spiritual organ in such a way?

Our dogmatic answer to this question is NO.

There is no justification for such an abuse.

It is a crime and there is going to be no forgiveness those who committed it… not even if committed out of pure ignorance and bigotry.

And why wouldn’t we accept ignorance as an excuse?

Because it is a crime not to use one’s own brain… thereby meaning the whole brain and not just its inner spiritual part.

Evolution gave us the ability to think and the European epoch of illuminism gave us the right to think.

Thus, it is our duty to think!


[1]          N. Schwarzer, “The Relativistic Quantum Bible – Genesis and Revelation”,, ASIN: B01M1CJH1B

[2]          N. Schwarzer, „God Created an Extremal Universe! But Why?“, online on

[3]          N. Schwarzer, „Worldformula“,, ISBN: 9781673032567

[4]          N. Schwarzer, „How can we measure the Size of a Thought“, online on

[5]          N. Schwarzer, „What is the Ultimate Good“, online on

[6]          Patrick Frank, “Propagation of Error and Reliability of Global Air Temperature Projection”, Front. Earth Sci., 06 September 2019 |


[8]          N. Schwarzer, “ANTI-GENDER – Mathematical Proof Against one of the most Stupid and Dangerous Ideologies, disguising itself as „Science“ or Sex, Gender and why we – only – have two natural Sexes”,, B07KPD9BD4

[9]          N. Schwarzer, “The Theory of Everything – Quantum and Relativity is everywhere – A Fermat Universe”, Pan Stanford Publishing, (2019), ISBN-10: 9814774472

[10]        N. Schwarzer, “Einstein had it, but he did not see it – Part XIII: Why Equality is Always Hostile to Life”,, ASIN: B07B6QZLMH

About the author: Dr. rer. nat. habil. Norbert Schwarzer is a German physicist and author and founder and theoretical head of the Saxonian Institute of Surface Mechanics (SIO). As a PhD and habilitated theoretical physicist,  he holds the highest qualification level issued through the process of a university examination and remains a core concept of scientific careers in many European countries.

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Comments (5)

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    josh hunter


    evolution is another faith-based load of garbage its another state-sponsored religion. it has never been observed one species becoming another and after 150 years trying to mutate bacteria with tiny life cycles and fruit flies they haven’t even gathered a single new enzyme.
    putting evolution in an article weakens it with sciencism. you want a message from god get out a pendulum and write the letters of the alphabet on a piece of paper in a semi-circle put angels statues in the corner of the room and wait for the pendulum to move. This is how you talk to angels, you will have to wait for the proper time of day because they are generally busy in one of the hemispheres day times. Have fun.


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    “How is it possible for you to be so easily tricked by something so simple as a story, because you are tricked? Well, it all comes down to one core thing and that is emotional investment. The more emotionally invested you are in anything in your life, the less critical and the less objectively observant you become.” — David JP Phillips, We Don’t Have Time board of directors, “The Magical Science of Storytelling”


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    Jerry Krause


    Hi Norbert and PSI Readers,

    Norbert’s question is: “Why Is It So Simple To Cheat The Mass?”

    The answer is simple; just read what Norman wrote for reasons known only to himself.

    I ask: Why did Herr Schwarzer not write his satire in the German language? After all the “Annalen der Physik (English: Annals of Physics) is one of the oldest scientific journals on physics and has been published since 1799. The journal publishes original, peer-reviewed papers in the areas of experimental, theoretical, applied, and mathematical physics and related areas. … The journal has been published under a variety of names (Annalen der Physik, Annalen der Physik und der physikalischen Chemie, Annalen der Physik und Chemie, Wiedemann’s Annalen der Physik und Chemie) during its history.” (Wikipedia)

    Because of this physical science journal I was required to take two years of reading German to fulfill the American Chemical Society chemistry curriculum required for a undergraduate chemistry major.

    But I do not know if any physical science major living today ever was required to take even a quarter course studying Dialogues Concerning Two New Sciences after Henry Crew and Alfonso de Salvio had translated Galileo’s Italian to English in 1914. Before which time no English translation of this book had been available for about two centuries.

    And I, an instructor of chemistry had not read it until the 1950s. And I never had a chance to teach a required course studying it.

    I believe, but do not know, that 97% of physical scientists (chemists, physicists, geologists, meteorologists, climatologists, etc) living today have not yet read it.

    And I have read a revised history that Galileo really didn’t need to lie that he believed the earth stood still to save himself from being burned to death at the stake. But I believe he did have to lie and that is why I believe every scientist living today, who can read English or Italian, should read his book to honor the gift that he gave us as a foundation of ‘real’ science.

    But I must remind any reader that Galileo was human like all us and he made the mistake of not accepting the careful observations of Tycho Brahe and Johannes Kepler’s careful mathematical analysis of Brahe’s data. From which he (Kepler) discovered three quantitative mathematical scientific laws which defined the elliptical paths of the planets about the sun.

    For Galileo believed (he probably termed it reasoned) that these orbits had to be perfect circles but did not observe as he had done to conclude that the earth had to move.

    Have a good day, Jerry


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    Gerald Coller


    Prose style was qualitatively better two hundred years ago – before evolution had come to dominate the intelligentsia of the Western World. A pity evolution seems to have done nothing to cause good prose to evolve into even better prose. I am obviously due to die out because I find reading articles like this so difficult. Don’t authors get their work reviewed by a colleague or friend for readability before they submit them these days? I guess not.


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