Are There Any Climate Skeptics with PhD’s in Physics?

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This is a common question posed by low information useful idiots who swallow the doomsaying media climate narrative. Yes, of course, there are thousands of scientists qualified to the highest levels (some Nobel Prize winners, too!) that are skeptical about man-made global warming.

For those who insist on questioning my (and their) credentials, there’s a long and growing list of university-educated physicists (most junior to me) who deny the existence of CO2-driven anthropogenic global warming (AGW) warming.

It’s not about their refutations, showing a healthy open market of ideas, it’s about how closed-minded, bigoted, and bureaucratic the globalist Marxist U.N. IPCC and its controlled professional climate scientists are, squeezing all papers critical of their official orthodox position out of the academic journals.

They then claim skeptics are not “peer-reviewed” thus not worthy of consideration, as if people can’t judge for themselves and truth isn’t to be judged on its own merits. The truth is that they are protecting their income. Funny how they get paid so much but there is never enough to debunk their critics as a public service, or provide them an open uncensored forum for debate.

The IPCC CO2 hoaxers can’t win an open fair publicized debate on the physics, so no surprise their try to pull the wool over the public’s eyes with two main con games: 1) tricked-up “global average temperature” statistics, and 2) claims of a 97{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} consensus.

  1. The very concept of a global average temperature is bogus, made up in a computer and thus subject to tampering at will for propaganda purposes. TL Winslow’s answer to What is the use of global temperature if it really doesn’t exist?
  2. The 97{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} consensus is bogus, confusing the exact wording of questions so much that they mean nothing.

One famous example of 1) is eminent climate scientist Tim Ball, who exploded the “hockey stick” graph of Penn. State U. scientist Michael E. Mann that seems to show world temperatures er, exploding since the industrial era, but was doctored to cool the past to make the present seem hotter, exposing the fraud underpinning the CO2 AGW hoax, yet the IPCC octopus continues to preach it like the gospel truth even though Mann lost a lawsuit against Ball for defamation after allegedly refusing to produce the data behind his graph, raising suspicion of deliberate fraud (Mann denies everything and continues to back his graph):

“So there you have it. An implausible conjecture backed by false evidence and repeated incessantly has become politically correct ‘knowledge,’ and is used to promote the overturn of industrial civilization. What we will be leaving our grandchildren is not a planet damaged by industrial progress,but a record of unfathomable silliness as well as a landscape degraded by rusting wind farms and decaying solar panel arrays. False claims about 97{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} agreement will not spare us, but the willingness of scientists to keep mum is likely to reduce trust in and support for science.” – Dr. Richard Lindzen –

Here’s a beginning list of articles to see the scientific backlash to IPCC’s CO2 AGW theory, speaking truth to power – for your perusal and edification:

Paul Noel’s answer to How can anything rival the threat of climate change?

Did 30,000 scientists declare that climate change is a hoax?

William Hoffman’s answer to What are the new physics to tackle global warming?

James Matkin’s answer to People talk about scientific consensus in regard to climate change, but what is the actual specific consensus among scientists, i.e. a specific statement that most scientists agree upon?

Nima Mahdjour’s answer to As a climate change denialist, why do you not care about the world your children will have to live in?

John Walker’s answer to Where do climate change deniers get their science?

James Matkin’s answer to Why do so many people believe the effects of man-made climate change have been overestimated when the evidence is to the contrary?

James Matkin’s answer to How do you personally try and raise awareness about climate change?

James Matkin’s answer to Why does no one go after China for their greenhouse gas emissions?

Read my shortest disproof of the CO2 AGW hoax:

TL Winslow’s answer to Scientists for climate change have many proofs. Do Anti climate change scientists have any proofs of their own?

Here’s my latest list of climate change blogs, pro and anti AGW, showing the vast information available to earnest seekers.


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Comments (8)

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    I as a lay person appreciate anytime someone with a Phd debunks any of the lies . That said sometimes the explanation goes above my pay grade,when that happens it makes it hard to follow the argument. If they know the simple facts it is enough for most lay people to say that do my training I know this or that to be false without going into molecular structure or bonding of atoms. If they follow the KISS program it makes it easier and more interesting for us lay people that care,there is no point in trying to convert believers with wisdom for they seem to lack all common sense.


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    Thanks good article. Well written.


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    Joseph Olson


    “Mommie, Can We Play Obombie Truth Origami” > my review of the Heartland ICCC-9 Lukewarmist Love Fest > 650 fake skeptics
    “Spencer Sorcery on Magic Gas” > my review of Heritage Summit hoax > 350 fake skeptics
    The Alarmists/Lukewarmist debate is fake and designed to prolong endless Carbon endangerment funding.
    Both articles at > FauxScienceSlayer(.)com


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      I thought Spencer was real. I thought he wanted to be a scientist.

      But, it wasn’t to be.

      His loss.


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    Al Gom


    Thank you for your informative article.
    I firmly believe that the driving force behind these climate chaos rhetorics is control. Control of the economy and then the people. The old program of the Socialists from before WWII.
    I’m glad that scientists and othersvare fighting back. Keep up the good work.


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    John Nicol


    As a retired physicist I have spent several years studying the behaviour and spectroscopy of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It is clear that increases in CO2 provide for more radiation to space (cooling) as was shown by Gilbert Plass, mathematical physicist, in 1956.

    The so-called “back radiation”. does NOT increase significantly because 1. The absorbing CO2 below increases in density 2. The higher pressure nearer the earth’s causes a broadening of the individual spectral lines that form the absorption bands.

    I am a physicist with a PhD who spent 30 years working in high resolution spectroscopy of mixed gase – just like CO2 in the atmosphere. and yes, I am a denier, skeptic,whatever you like.


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    peter daley


    I am still seeing very erudite articles on the prospect of detecting evidence of aliens from other worlds, when their influence is recorded in history and in recent times so very secret and hushed up.
    Hardly relevant but associated with the promoted hysteria of climate myth and rockets for space travel, with apologies.


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