The Geo-nuclear Connection – Slaying the Sky Dragon Excerpt

The search for scientific truth in one field often leads to unexpected insights into other fields. In researching the ignored or vastly underrated role of Earth’s nuclear fission in climate change another truth became self evident. Matter is neither created nor destroyed. The proton, neutrons and electrons released during nuclear fission become ‘elemental’ atoms, as mentioned before in this chapter.

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Under the high heat and high pressure of the fission reactor the simplest of these atoms join into either diatomic atoms like Hydrogen, Helium, and Oxygen or into simple ‘elemental’ molecules. Since we have no direct knowledge of these processes, we must assume certain parameters about these reactions.

It is first assumed that the Uranium fission occurs in the molten zone somewhere near the Iron crystal core. Uranium has one of the highest densities of any natural occurring element and in a ‘liquid’ suspension would sink to the lowest level. The lighter, elemental atoms and compounds produced by fission at this great depth would naturally form bubble tracks thru the molten rock. The diatomic gases, along with elemental water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and hydrogen sulfide would then rise up into solidified rock formations beneath the Earth’s crust.

There is a ring of under-floor ocean ‘thermal vents’ between 1000 and 2200 meters (3000 and 7000 ft) deep in every ocean on the planet. Some bubble tracts may lead directly from the production zone to the vents, but it is safe to assume that most elemental gasses rise in to pockets where heat and pressure would allow forming of larger molecules, including hydrocarbons.

Acknowledging this fact is a double dilemma for the ‘environmentalists’ because hydrocarbons then become ‘renewable’ and using petroleum becomes environmentally friendly.

Russian chemist, Dmitri Mendeleev, in the late 19th century proposed that petroleum products could be formed by chemical processes, independent of buried organic biomass. This theory was further expanded by Russian scientists in the 1950’s with their abiogenic theory of natural petroleum production. At the same time that Dr M. King Hubbert was fashioning his Malthus based “Peak Oil Theory”, claiming pending end of a finite resource. In the seventies, Professor Thomas Gold presented his version of the Russian theory. Both of the Russian and Gold abiogenic theories were disproven by actual drilled wells. The original Russian theory was that under heat and pressure ‘rocks decomposed’ into the molecules of Hydrocarbons that then rise into the rock bound reserve locations. Dr Gold then added that subterranean microbes created petroleum in these reserves.

Two specially drilled wells failed to find the Gold microbes in any samples, which Gold blamed on operator error. In the seventies there was a rush to drill down to the mantle/crust interface to determine actual Earth conditions. The deepest hole in this experiment was the Russian Kola drill site which provided a surprising Earth science clue. The Russians were able to reach over 40,000 ft deep against enormous heat and pressure, which required new drilling technology. Keeping 12 Km (8 miles) of drill stem working proved impossible, so the Russians developed a drill bit that was driven by drilling mud pumped from above.

To remain liquid, drilling muds must have a boiling point above the ambient and drill friction generated boiling point. The ambient temperature for this 40,000 ft deep hole was approaching 175oC (350oF) and high boiling point, oil based drilling muds were being destroyed by water from the rock structures.

Water could not be produced from rock decay so it was declared as ‘elemental’ water. This condition provides the missing clue for solving the “Abiogenic Oil Theory” that had not been included in the faulty Russian and Gold theories. The Hydrogen, Oxygen and Carbon atoms necessary for Earth’s natural Hydrocarbon production are from ‘elemental’ fission production. The molecular bonding creates a number of ‘elemental’ atoms into simple ‘elemental’ molecules including Methane, Carbon Dioxide and Dihydrogen Monoxide (water).

These simple molecules then rise into stable rock reservoirs where heat and pressure, in a reverse fractional distillation process, form the longer Hydrocarbon chains. The solvent nature of these compounds then absorbs organic rock material, giving an organic fingerprint. Rising Methane and other Hydrocarbons which permeate into buried organic sediment layers can then convert this former biomass into coal. The thin cooled Earth crust acts as a lid on these gases which escape at the point of least resistance, that ring of ocean floor vents mentioned before. With no way to quantify the fission rate or the by-products ratio, we are left to guess at what the Earth’s average Hydrocarbon production rate actually is, but it is certain that OIL is a renewable resource. Completely depleted oil fields in the United States have refilled to as much as 1/3 of original capacity, a tantalizing clue on planetary production rates. That is bad enough news for warmists and environmentalists, but it only gets worse.

California is blessed with interesting place names from its multicultural heritage. Pismo Beach is named after the Chumah Indian word for ‘globs of tar’ due to natural Hydrocarbon outflow found on this beach. The Spanish Portola Expedition in 1769 discovered “molten geysers of tar” at the present day La Brea tar pits in downtown Los Angeles. La Brea is Spanish for tar. Tar still oozes from the ground at La Brea, down now to about 10 gallons per day.

Globs of tar still wash up at Pismo Beach, but are now blamed on man’s failed drilling or shipping efforts. While Earths Hydrocarbon production does not appear finite in the near term, there is one thing that is FINITE. The Earth only has a finite storage capacity for this daily petroleum production. This is a double blow to the Eco-wackos. Oil is a renewable resource and man’s harvesting of this resource, may be of actual benefit to the eco-system. As horrible as the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster was, the total spill has been estimated at only four times the annual ‘seepage’ rate. The naturally occurring bacteria that are disposing of BP’s mess have been dealing with this natural outflow of Hydrocarbons for millions of years.

One interesting theory on the Bermuda Triangle involves sudden release of underground Methane. Water pressure increases with depth at the rate of one atmosphere of pressure for every 33 ft of depth. A one cubic foot gas bubble released at 5,000 ft depth under the ocean would swell to 150 cubic feet burst at the surface. Huge bubbles rising under an unsuspecting surface vessel would break the hull and cause instantaneous sinking. Once above the surface, the lighter than air Methane cloud would disperse and rise into the atmosphere. At some point this cloud would reach optimum stoichiometric ratio and be subject to a massive explosion.

Low flying aircraft are full of ignition sources and hitting this invisible Methane cloud would cause a massive explosion. Even formations of aircraft would disappear in an instant fireball, leaving no oil slick and little floating debris. If a tree falls in the forest it matters not whether there is any sound. That fallen tree represents a potential resource. Man can fashion that tree into useful products or he can burn the cellulose material and recover chemically stored solar energy. Or man can chose to let that tree rot in the forest or be subject to accidental fires.

There is nothing inherently superior to the ‘burn or rot in the forest’ option. The outcome is exactly the same with regard to the wood. Portions are returned to the air as carbon dioxide and portions are returned to the soil as ash or dust. The question becomes, is the planet better off if humans ‘control’ the forest or if fire, insects and disease control the forest? And so it is with humanity’s newly discovered renewable resource. Will humanity harvest and use this resource or will overfunded pressure groups and expanding government forces overwhelm reason and force unneeded control of this newly recognized renewable resource? It is pretty obvious that to harvest this ‘petroleum’ tree, humanity must confront some dreadful Eco-insects and mindless government microbes.

The mention of microbes brings up another interesting subject, introduced here and further developed in the near future. The first study of biology as being distinct from inert matter was under Aristotle, Theophrastos and Herophilos in 300 BC. Not much improvement came until the invention of the microscope in the mid 17th century. Robert Hooke first showed the world the multi-celled structure of visible life forms and then Anton van Leeuwenhock showed the world single celled life forms.

In the 1960’s science divided these into two families, the Bacteria and Eukaryota, which included the four kingdoms of plants, animals, fungi and protists.

Imagine the shock when a decade later Dr Carl Woese described a new family, Archaea with a completely different life cycle and environmental adaption.

Archaea are genetically different from bacteria and live a life cycle independent of photosynthesis. These organisms produce Methane as a waste product and have been found in ocean floor vents, hot water geysers and digestive tracts of termites and marine animals. The presence of Archaea at under-floor ocean vents has lead to speculation that the vast Methane Clathrate deposits world-wide are from this microorganism. Further study of the Geo-nuclear process may dispel this thought. Methane Clathrate is most recently known as the ‘ice plug’ that prevented the recovery efforts at the BP Deepwater Horizon accident. Under the pressures of a mile of seawater, Methane emerges as a liquid and is encapsulated by the near freezing water to form a crystal of water with 20{154653b9ea5f83bbbf00f55de12e21cba2da5b4b158a426ee0e27ae0c1b44117} Methane.

Reasonable estimates are that this ocean stored Methane exceeds known reserves by at least double and perhaps ten times the known geologic reserves. By positioning recovery funnels over the existing thermal vents, it would be possible to harvest these crystals with Geo-thermal heat. Robotic collectors would deliver Clathrate crystal blocks to this ‘boiler’ releasing the gas into the funnel and recovery tube riser.

These Clathrate deposits contain higher than ‘normal’ levels of isotropic Carbon 13 giving rise to speculation of ‘organic’ origins for these deposits. What is considered normal is the terrestrial view of Carbon isotope distribution. This ratio is based on cosmic ray causing decay of first Nitrogen 14 into Carbon 14. One inherent error in using this as an organic measure of age is that cosmic rays are assumed constant.

Another is that natural ‘elemental’ Carbon isotope ratios have any relationship to terrestrial sources. Freshly killed penguins and seals in the Antarctic show Carbon 14 dating ages of thousands of years. Methane and all petroleum deposits on the planet show a wide range of isotopes of Carbon. The most probable explanation is that elemental production of all fission based atoms is not based on Earth surface conditions or distributions. It is time to rethink what we know about Geology and Nuclear Physics. It is ironic that the study of the flawed science of Climatology would cause such an epic revision to theories on the fundamental processes deep within the Earth.

We have now come to the end of our discussion on the astronomical, geological, nuclear and political forces that have shaped this most interesting of scientific debates.

This team of Slayers have all recognized that the English Scientific Method has been the single greatest force for improving our human condition in all of history. We are fighting to preserve that great 350 year old tradition.

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