Shock News: 2016 and 1998 have Statistically Same Temperature | Principia Scientific Intl.
Scientists say satellite temperatures for the year 2016 show no statistical difference when compared to the year 1998. In other words, that's 18 years of no global warming. However, several mainstream fake news outlets are telling readers 2016 has just become the world's 'hottest year.' Skeptics are mocking the lame media claims - which revolve around a supposed 'rise' of 0.24 degrees - statistically well inside error margins. Since the 1980's the UN's has predicted a global 'climate catastrophe' if governments don't restrict increases in human emissions carbon dioxide, the supposed cause of 'catastrophic' climate change. But with CO2 levels in the atmosphere now edging over 400 parts per million (350 ppm was the official 'safe' limit) there seems to be something wrong with the cornerstone of the science - the so-called greenhouse gas theory.