The Battle for the Truth about Climate Change | Principia Scientific Intl.
Anybody who declares that we must fight changes of climate thereby also declares that they are scientifically illiterate. Anyone who declares that we must fight climate change is also linguistically illiterate. Anyone who declares that we must fight climate change and that ‘change’ is a threat to humanity is fundamentally atheistic and is clearly bonkers and unfit to govern. And any statesman who declares that he or she is fighting against climate change is also clearly unfit to govern. Anyone who believes in taxing people in order to subsidize what is euphemistically called ‘renewable energy’ is economically illiterate. It is not I who say that – it is they themselves who do just that. Anyone who wishes to raise the price of energy is a social misfit and an enemy of society and of the poor in particular. Now Matt Ridley has done a great service to humanity by showing graphically that the increase of atmospheric Carbon Dioxide has led to a worldwide greening.